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Mike Dora

Formation.ini - Allowable Parameters

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Hello All


Does anyone know what are the allowable parameters, the rules for amending the formation sizes in the Formation.ini file please?


I'm trying to set up for _smaller_ formations than the SF2 standard, for a little sub-mod I'm doing for 1950's-1960's strategic bombers & interceptors. In those days the bombers would head off individually or at most in very small formations, and similarly the interceptors would scramble in at most 2-4 ship formations. Squadron-sized gaggles were definitely not the thing.


Trouble is, whenever I fiddle with Formation.ini to set BaseLevel below 2, or any of the Squadron/Flight/Element Size below 2, I get frequent lockups when trying to start a mission. Which leads me to believe one or more of these parameters has a lower limit.


Any ideas, any experiences anyone? It's just that finding the system setting up 8 Lightnings to escort 8 B-52's on a Cold->Hot War nuclear strike looks silly! (a squadron would've been lucky to get 8 Frightnings all serviceable at the same time anyway, I met them close up at Leuchars in the early Seventies & learned about some of their endearing little idiosyncrasies... :)







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As I recall there is a ratio that has to be maintained between the "BaseLevel=" number and the total of the "Level[01].Size=",  "Level[02].Size=" and, "Level[03].Size=". I discovered it while testing B-52 formations, however it has been so long since I played with it that I can't remember what it is.


Edit: Also I just noticed that this is for SF1 so more differences I am unaware of between it and SF2. Sorry and can not be of more help. 

Edited by KJakker

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