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Editing muzzle flash?
CptHrki, in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - General Discussion
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requesting any effects mods expert to please make some realistic effects of aircraft explosion fire flares countermeassure and flames effects for strike fighters 2 that can be compared to dcs world or war thunder !! i have each and every effects mods never found a good taste 
By VonBeerhofen
That's what you get when wearing headphones and you don't hear the incoming bullets from an enemy behind you hitting your plane. Or maybe our hearing is getting impaired after so many years of flying this game, :D VBH
By VonBeerhofen
occasionally you can get these interesting smoke effects in EAWPRO generated by the new randomly asigned and expanded effects routines, giving many a much wider use. Besides that there are more smoketypes available which have new uses. Each animation is sixteen 64 pixel drawings in 8 bit using an entire 256 x 256 pixel PCX. Here a few expanding black smoke clouds were generated after two planes collided and you can still see a firey wing dropping down.
By VonBeerhofen
This night screen shows EAWPRO's bullet impact animation routine in action. Impacts can select a short animation within any of the available smoke and fire animations starting from any frame in that animation. I don't know offhand how many available drawings that is but roughly well over 200! This mimics bullets hitting various types of ground or objects and can for instance even use the watersplash animation when hitting a fuel cannister or something simmilar, as can be seen on the left of the screen where also a fire has started after the impact.
BTW, notice that not all drawings are illuminated at night.
By VonBeerhofen
Wasn't very happy with the dual purpose dual smoketrail I created long ago so I created a more substantial one with 3D effect which works better in all situations when active. OK, that's perhaps a little biassed observation but I hope you guys agree with me after seeing these pictures. Hope you guys can see which one and that the effects detail setting is working again in high mode, :)
BTW , have you noticed the EAWPRO club recently expanded by 25%! Not bad in such a short time for EAW standards eh?
And here's the Super Smoke Trail