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  1. PJB will get strike fighters 3 soon mark my words sir and no videos and stuffs can flood PJ
  2. i also fly falcon BMS flaming cliffs 3 and il2 sturmovik bat mod but strike fighters has its own charm so its my dream to see SF3 in a total new look and graphics it should touch flaming cliffs 3 quality
  3. so guys its been many years now ! didnt saw any update about strike fighters or strike fighters 3 which needs graphics engine update as many other air combat games and simulators are updating and improving their products the thridwire should think and work about it
  4. if you want to do something then improve the ugly burning and fire effects of bms 🥲
  5. Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 2 released

    Falcon BMS 3.47 Version 2 is all over good , except F-15C cockpit !
  6. i dont know why Pakistan PAF stopped working on their combat proven Mirages ! its a beautiful aircraft
  7. SF2 weather and F-15 cockpit still better then falcon bms 4.37 !

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