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About VonBeerhofen

  1. muzzleflash bugfix

    A minor issue popped up, thx to MarkEAW who identified a problem where EAWPRO's muzzle flash may use the stock birds animation from v1.2 instead of the intended muzzle fire. Installs failed to remove the EXTRA.SPT which reside outside the SPRITES.CDF in v1.2 installs. This has no further effect on the game other then showing the birds instead of the muzzle fire and it suffices to delete the EXTRA.SPT from the game folder to restore full functionality. Mark replaced his download with a new version which is no longer subject to this bug. It will now look for a file named FXTRA.SPT instead and completely ignore the EXTRA.SPT. Updated files available here: https://eaw.neocities.org/fxexe-patches Sorry for the inconvenience, VonBeerhofen
  2. Italian cities now fully randomised

    I created a bonus tile since it's such a therapeutic happening, and because it's always nice to have a choice. Of course this isn't the last one, :) VBH
  3. No more repetitive borders or center tiles and more different villages. With this randomization all village and city tiles can be used at will where ever in the game in any possible rotational state, and it's a lot less mapping work. I already showed the idea some time ago but not with the Harvest City Set. There is still some work to be done to narrow some borders and create the right impression I'm after but I think it's slowly getting there. Here's a few screen shots, as an experiment a few village tiles were replaced with breaker field tiles and two different city/village layouts were tried, which means that the randomization for each layout is entirely different while the cities and village sizes and positions weren't changed. You heard it first on combatace.com VonBeerhofen
  4. Even more terrain tiles

    updated pictures. A few more pictures of the latest tiles will replace the above at a later date. VBH
  5. Even more terrain tiles

    Here's a compilation of the 12 latest tiles for the 'Harvest' set. I created a temporary map where all other tiles were removed from and randomly filled the EAW world with these 12 tiles only. 12 screen shots were taken of which 6 are displayed now. The remaining 6 will replace these pictures at a later date as I may not have captured all 12 tiles in these screenies and to safe on page loading times . VonBeerhofen
  6. DxWnd Wrapper EAW Profiles

    Well done Mark, glad you're on the job of figuring this stuff out and I admire your patience. I don't fully understand the different behaviors either but a big problem throughout my research has been the differences between video cards, drivers and how the game assigns various graphics routines to them. So what you see is not necessarily what others see and it's self-evident when people don't experience any problems with their setups or used wrappers, to not further experiment and stick with what's working until they run into problems. VonBeerhofen
  7. EAW Multiplayer Questions

    Neither have I and there's hardly any information on it's workings with any EAW version, so keep us updated with your progress as it may help others in the future. VonBeerhofen
  8. EAW Multiplayer Questions

    Seems to me that your only option is to get v1.2 or perhaps v1.26 running through the use of a Glide wrapper, or the DX Windower or something similar. EAWPRO isn't available as modular addons, it's all or nothing. Another option is to use a legacy computer with a legacy OS, which I think is the safest bet. I used various OS, Windows 98, Me, XP and even used Vista for a while, anything later may proof to be a pita, but you might be lucky! Good luck and be patient, VonBeerhofen
  9. EAW Multiplayer Questions

    It appears you're right Mark, too bad. VonBeerhofen
  10. EAW Multiplayer Questions

    Doesn't Steam and GoG versions allow IPX play through their own multi player gaming servers? Hope he gets something going, don't think there are easy solutions nowadays, not with high security protocols required for modern computers. IP connections require quite a bit of knowledge on router ports and firewalls. Good luck to him anyway and while I'm at it HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and all! VonBeerhofen
  11. EAW Multiplayer Questions

    Good luck to him! If it doesn't work right off the bat then he should try the 3D Windower workaround or go for the Steam or GoG version. VonBeerhofen
  12. EAW Multiplayer Questions

    13sq_Axe, EAWPRO is an independent development of v1.2 in optimized machine language by using the game's original source code. This results in a significant shorter gameloop which speeds up FPS, in spite of the incorporated enhancements. You can read what it is capable of at Mark EAW's helpsite here: https://eaw.neocities.org/fxexe-patches It has some improvements over most other versions to make it work with modern hardware and operating systems, like the newly implemented NoOS check. It no longer checks if the operating system is supported or not, which in the past prevented the game to run. It's however no guarantee. You can find universal workarounds on Mark EAW's help site should you run into trouble but the patch install is a piece of cake as it can be added to any official version of EAW by allowing overwrites when the files are extracted into the game's root folder (where the EAW.EXE resides). VonBeerhofen
  13. EAW 1.30 download?

    Well, good luck figuring that stuff out! VBH
  14. EAW 1.30 download?

    Many multi part archives came from Sandbaggers and had sequential numbering, like 000, 001, etc. They have to be put into a single folder and inside the first archive there's a recombine batch file which when run will recombine all archives into 1. No idea if this still works in newer operating systems. VonBeerhofen
  15. Drop tank in your face

    Can't remember if I activated this myself or not but I had this happen twice now in the past month. I made a note though to give it a random chance to bounce off with an appropriate sound. Pretty sure they didn't always completely wreck a plane when hit. Pretty scary though to see this massive thing suddenly fill up your whole screen, made me actually duck for cover as has happened many times when colliding head on with enemies. VonBeerhofen

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