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MIG-23 &MIG-27 info required

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Can anyone , please, tell me or point me to the right info webpage, to find out what model could and did carry ECM equipment and countermeasures (Chaff&Flares) for MIG-23/MIG-27 ? I read some infos here in plane files but they don't have the official info label pinned on them so I can't rely on them for now. Thank you.

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You could check here: http://airwar.ru/firm/alfavit/mrus.html

There are detailed articles on each MiG-23 and MiG-27 variant.

The text is in Russian, but you could easily have it translated in English using the built-in Chrome translator.

According to the information there, the MiG-23 MLD had built-in SPS-141 active ECM and the MLD could carry externally mounted countermeasure launchers (on top of the fuselage just in front of the vertical stabilizer), though not all MiG-23 MLD had these istalled. Those that were combat-used in Afghanistan did carry the countermeasure launchers.

The MiG-27K had Siren built-in ECM and could carry the same countermeasure launchers as the MiG-23MLD.

I did not see any other MiG-23/27 variant having ECM and countermeasure launchers.

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