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SF2 PTO mod problem

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Could'nt find any info anywhere, when I try to install the mod it shows up as another version of the  exe I copied :( except that missions and campaigns are blank ?  I have no way to go on the a team forum so I though I would ask here. I have all other mods working perfectly under win 8.1 ETO Korea etc. Thanks for any help !!

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Hi there

Just need to check how far you are getting ...typically for major SF2 mods you create a copy of a game exe.........then run that which creates essentially a separate empty game ....with an empty set of mod folders (under saved Games by default).

Then you copy and paste all the bits from the downloaded mod into the correct location in the new set of folders.


PS are you the same Kirk66 who used to fly F-4 Phantoms for the USAF?



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MB, you forgot the most important step ---

after copying and pasting the exe of choice, RENAME it to what the new mod folder is to be (in this case, SF2_PTO)

THEN, run the exe to create the mod folder with the unique name.

THEN add all the WW2 PTO bits, 

THEN remove all the modern stuff (ground objects and aircraft -- but it's VERY IMPORTANT to leave 1 player flyable, and 1 AI only aircraft, say an A-4 and a MiG


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Thank you both ! I will give a go again. What is happening is after the exe is copied, renamed and run ie mod folder created, I delete the objects, missions, pilot data folers in mod folder. Then I copy all the needed files from the a team pto. I loads up just another version of say sf2NA ? weird.....I have the ETO working and several other mods also. This is the only one that is fubar lol.  Migbuster i'm far from a pilot, just a musician :) pretending to be lol

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Unfortunely no go.... Maybe its the files  or win 8.1.......Their ETO works perfectly. Since I was tossed from there ranks I cannot access the forums there. hmmmm  lol

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did you change the "operational year spans?"

double check what you've done with my instructional tutorial(s)


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I think I found the problem. Its in there options.ini file somewhere. I did an install adding the pto mod files to the SF2 mod folder and it worked fine. When I copy over the ateams options file it doesn't hmmmm. There ETO mod runs without a problem as do allmy othe ones Korea , TSF etc......im not that good with the guts of these things lol......odd lol, thanks again for all of your very hard work to help out and make these great add ons ! 

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