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graphics question or bug?

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Using Marcfighters files -

I updated the MIG-17 and 19 AI planes and they work great but when i updated

the MIG-21MF and MIG21-PMF they messed up my graphics and other stuff.

My wingman can fly through me as tho i wasn't there (or is my plane being echoed?)?

My thrust is blazing away but not where its supposed to be (angle is off by up to 180 degrees ( totally off and i have no control of the plane) - sometimes my wingman is flyiing directly through my plane without any damage (a mirror image of my plane maybe??). Even happens in flights of 4 planes, they all want to occupy the same space i'm in or flying around without any control........


Not a hit on you Marc,! I'm sure its something i'm doing but i cannot figure out what it is..


Does the MIG21-MF/21-PMF have radar???


thanks for any help!!!


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Look here, its at SimHW, in the strike fighters forum.

Apparently its not just me having this problem.


Article name is:


Stability Problems Showing Up Now



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