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Hello, this is my first ever forum on this site. iv'e been a member for a long while and i love all the effort done by the community. I play WOE (SF1) only, and iv'e had it installed on my pc for about 7-8 years now. all the files are messed up and i need to install a fresh copy. iv'e searched on the net and haven't found a link and that's why i wanted to come here and ask you guys if it's possible to get any direction regarding this matter. any type of help will be greatly appreciated. 

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If you purchased the game through Third Wire, then you should be able to use your original link provided in your purchase email to download the final version of the game. If you lost the email then you can contact Third Wire via their website. If you have the original CD, then you merely need the final patch, which is also at Third Wire's website. So go here: http://www.thirdwire.com

That should point you in the right direction. If not, provide more clarification on exactly what it is that you need.


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Hello, I never purchased the game online or from Third wire. i bought a cd from a gaming store and no longer have the cd. iv'e searched throw the net to find the setup but i couldn't so far.

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That's because you can't. What you may find, as versions uploaded to so-called 'torrent' sites, and many of them are incomplete versions, that may come with several unwanted "enhancements" (read: virus). 

What you're asking for, it seems, it for someone to GIVE you the game. That's called piracy, and is absolutely forbidden here. Even the mention, hint or inclining of it has gotten people perma-banned from here. So, take this as a friendly warning.

You want the game, it should still for sale at the Third Wire site.

That's the only way you'll get it.


I'll leave this thread open for another 24 hours, so you can respond, if you wish, after that it'll be closed and locked.

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