+Tommy2Fast 7 Posted March 17, 2019 Hello good people. I haven`t given up on the "canopy without animation" problem. On some planes I use the Tailhook/arresterhook approach, it works. But it`s not nice too look at. [Tailhook] SystemType=ARRESTER_HOOK MinDeflection=0.0 MaxDeflection=95.0 Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=2.0 HookArmLength=0.1 AttachmentPosition=-0.213,2.23,-0.844 ModelNodeName=LCDoor <-------- I change this to the mesh-name of the part i TRY to move. I try to change the AttachmentPosition to make the canopy attach to the fuselage. But what ever i change it to nothing changes. the canopy still moves with the "zero" point in the middle of the mesh/canopy. I try to change the hookArmlength to.. nothing changes... Anybody have some ideas on how to attach the canopy to a place I choose on the fuselage? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+logan4 861 Posted March 17, 2019 Unless you have access to the model source file to change the pivot position and orientation of that given mesh, you will not be able to do what you want, irrelevant which mesh you try to attach it. The 'hook' solution only works with those meshes that have properly positioned and oriented pivots, you can not change these via any fiddling with .ini files. You need to change the source file itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites