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Rolling Thunder won't roll-help please

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Came back to SFP1 via Edwards Korea download-therefore deleted stock aircraft as per instructions.

I have now got Phantoms in the Euro terrain running OK, as well as the original desert running OK.

I downloaded the DRV terrain which runs OK in single missions..

I DL Rolling Thunder campaign which shows up in splash screens etc and all seems well until I press Fly then I get a CTD.

I wondered if it was because i don't have the planes installed that the campaign uses ( F100d and F105D come to mind _ Looked in add on aircraft ,can't find F100)

How do i get to the planes in the original CD, can't seem to find an aircraft folder?

Or am I on the wrong track completely ?

Please advise.


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Guest IndioBlack
Came back to SFP1 via Edwards Korea download-therefore deleted stock aircraft as per instructions.

I have now got Phantoms in the Euro terrain running OK, as well as the original desert running OK.

I downloaded the DRV terrain which runs OK in single missions..

I DL Rolling Thunder campaign which shows up in splash screens etc and all seems well until I press Fly then I get a CTD.

I wondered if it was because i don't have the planes installed that the campaign uses ( F100d and F105D come to mind  _ Looked in add on aircraft ,can't find F100)

How do i get to the planes in the original CD, can't seem to find an aircraft folder?

Or am I on the wrong track completely ?

Please advise.



I'm sorry but this is a little after the Horse has bolted: You really shouldn't have deleted the planes, but placed them in a safety folder for use later, so you could put them back when you needed them.


To get the planes off the disk, you have to install the game somewhere. Trouble is that if you try and install the game somewhere else on your machine, it spots the registry entry and won't let you do it. I bought a cheap copy of STRIKE FIGHTERS GOLD to help get round this. I have both games installed, so if add-ons screw one up, I can always use the other to help repair it.


I believe someone else on this forum has a dual install of STRIKE FIGHTERS, for the same reason. I'm not sure how he did it - maybe just deleted the registry entry - but hopefully he'll read this thread and help you out


However, if you have access to another computer, you could install it on that, copy the planes off onto a CD or portable drive and then put them in your original install in the right place.


The final solution is to uninstall and start again, but we don't really want you to do that, do we?

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I believe someone else on this forum has a dual install of STRIKE FIGHTERS, for the same reason. I'm not sure how he did it - maybe just deleted the registry entry - but hopefully he'll read this thread and help you out

You can have as many installs as you like & it's very easy to do but you have to start out with a clean install.

Pretty much all the beta testers do this as it makes life a lot easier when testing different builds :)


Start with a clean, fully patched install.

Copy the whole SF/SFG/WOV folder & rename it to whatever you want.

Make a shortcut to the .exe in the new folder & run from that.


Leave the original install folder untouched as it serves as a backup as well as a stock game.

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However, if you have access to another computer, you could install it on that, copy the planes off onto a CD or portable drive and then put them in your original install in the right place.

Good idea  will try that


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