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NF-5B Freedom Fighter
Soulfreak, in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
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By Soulfreak
View File AMI Tornado skinpack
Panavia Tornado IDS AMI Skinpack
This skinpack is only for Guuruu´s Tornado IDS (Italian AF)
It contains 9 brand new skins in NATO & grey camo.
Included are 6°, 36° & 50° Stormo.
Also included is a new data.ini, wich removes parts, that are not on the real jets.
You need the AMI Tornado from Guuruu
extract the 7z file and then drop the Aircraft & Decals folder (and all what´s in) into your objects folder of your mod folder.
Go Fly.
Guuruu - Basic Tornado Template & creator of the Model
Soulfreak - enhanced reworked Templates, skins, brand new decals & ini dance
Schapen, Sept. 28th 2024
Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer
Submitter Soulfreak Submitted 09/28/2024 Category Tornado
By Soulfreak
Panavia Tornado IDS AMI Skinpack
This skinpack is only for Guuruu´s Tornado IDS (Italian AF)
It contains 9 brand new skins in NATO & grey camo.
Included are 6°, 36° & 50° Stormo.
Also included is a new data.ini, wich removes parts, that are not on the real jets.
You need the AMI Tornado from Guuruu
extract the 7z file and then drop the Aircraft & Decals folder (and all what´s in) into your objects folder of your mod folder.
Go Fly.
Guuruu - Basic Tornado Template & creator of the Model
Soulfreak - enhanced reworked Templates, skins, brand new decals & ini dance
Schapen, Sept. 28th 2024
Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer
By Soulfreak
View File Fiat G.91T.3 Reduxe
Fiat G.91T.3 Reduxe for SF2
4 aircraft with 25 brand new highrez (8K) skins
I always liked this little bird and so I reworked it a bit.
1st you have to delete earlier Versions of the G.91T.3 in your Aircraft folder.
Elsewise there will be conflicts!!!
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
If asked, let overwrite
Animation key 1 = Canopy open / close
ErikGen: Creator of the original G.91 Models
Stary: Creator of Cockpits models
Spillone104: Part of the original Gina Team
ID(io)T Team: Original Frecce Tricolori Pilot
GKABS: original Pilot (reworked for PAF by Soulfreak)
Diego: GAF Pilot model
Ravenclaw007: GAF Pilot repaint & Weapons.
Soulfreak: All paintwork, all decals, Hangar & Loading screens & ini dance
Special thanks to the Dornier Museum. They provided me great references (t.O.)
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
If anyone will use this mod or parts of it, my permission is needed!
It was tested in a SF2 complete installation.
Schapen, Dezember 24th 2023
Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer
Submitter Soulfreak Submitted 12/24/2023 Category Other Origin
By Soulfreak
Fiat G.91T.3 Reduxe for SF2
4 aircraft with 25 brand new highrez (8K) skins
I always liked this little bird and so I reworked it a bit.
1st you have to delete earlier Versions of the G.91T.3 in your Aircraft folder.
Elsewise there will be conflicts!!!
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
If asked, let overwrite
Animation key 1 = Canopy open / close
ErikGen: Creator of the original G.91 Models
Stary: Creator of Cockpits models
Spillone104: Part of the original Gina Team
ID(io)T Team: Original Frecce Tricolori Pilot
GKABS: original Pilot (reworked for PAF by Soulfreak)
Diego: GAF Pilot model
Ravenclaw007: GAF Pilot repaint & Weapons.
Soulfreak: All paintwork, all decals, Hangar & Loading screens & ini dance
Special thanks to the Dornier Museum. They provided me great references (t.O.)
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
If anyone will use this mod or parts of it, my permission is needed!
It was tested in a SF2 complete installation.
Schapen, Dezember 24th 2023
Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer
By Soulfreak
View File Fiat G.91R.3 & R.4 in Luftwaffe Service
Fiat G.91R.3 & R.4 Luftwaffe (reworked) for SF2
3 aircraft with 26 brand new highrez (8K) Luftwaffe skins
I always liked this little bird and so I reworked it a bit.
1st you have to delete earlier Versions of the G.91R.3 in your Aircraft folder.
Elsewise there will be conflicts!!!
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
If asked, let overwrite
Animation key 1 = Canopy open / close
ErikGen: Creator of the original G.91 Models
Stary: Creator of Cockpits models
Spillone104: Part of the original Gina Team
Diego & Ravenclaw007: GAF Pilot models & repaints
Ravenclaw007: G.91 Weapons
Soulfreak: All paintwork, all decals, Hangar & Loading screens & ini dance
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
If anyone will use this mod or parts of it, my permission is needed!
It was tested in a SF2 complete installation.
Schapen, Dezember 26th 2023
Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer
Submitter Soulfreak Submitted 12/26/2023 Category Other Origin