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How similar is the DCS F-16 to the BMS version?

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Just wondering if I can use DCS guides for the F-16 to learn the BMS version, set up my TM Warthog with the same controls?

I  will get the DCS version at some point but was hoping to use DCS based video guides to learn to fly the BMS version (found I guy I like to watch)...or should I just use tutorials for the BMS Viper?

Edited by Chugster
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The training Missions in BMS are really good and have a dedicated and very detailed pdf manual that is where you should start. 

Using the DCS manuals might be confusion.....might be viable to an extent if you use the US Block 50 only............a lot is the same but there are also many differences.  (Note the DCS  guides are not complete and probably wont be until a few years after it comes out of EA)








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Are the training missions like the ones in DCS, with text or speech telling you exactly what to do?

Also, how easy will it be to transfer from BMS F-16 to the DCS F-16?

Edited by Chugster

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No.............open the manual on a tablet and follow it along.

Fairly easy but there will be differences in procedures and systems so you will still need to read up on a few things but shouldn't be much.

You should be pretty good by the time it gets out of EA though whenever that will be............. 2023?





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