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SF:2 AI fighting style ? / low speed

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Hi everyone,

been recently flying SF2 again, mainly WOE and WOV. Usually I hop in just for some quick high aspect BFM action in some self-created scenarios.

Something I noticed (when using visual targeting plus medium HUD option, therefore getting a display of target speed) is that very often the AI will fly / fight right away after merging at very

low speeds, around 130-180 kts range and continuously so , groveling around in that speed zone.

While its not completely unthinkable that a matured fights ends up in a slow speed scenario , the A.I. seems to

use it a bit too much for my liking and also sometimes the maneuvering at those speed that they pull off seems somewhat unrealistic (i.e. going into the vertical at sub-100kts),

I get that SF2 is a rather old simulation and that the AI uses simplified flight models and maybe in  isn't general isnt that good, but still I wondered, is there something I could

manually change or tune to make them fly primarily in a least a bit higher speed range ?


Kind regards,


Edited by Flapsfull

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I have noticed that the AI in my North Atlantic installs fly in the 300 kt range. The strange thing is that they will often run away in a shallow climb in a straight line at up to .94 Mach at 3 miles, and I can't catch them going 1.2 for up to 9 miles! 

I think the patches in the EXP packs will help you with your stall speed AI. I can barely remember playing Vietnam and Europe without the updates. There may be a way to mod the AI .ini to load higher speeds, but I'm not the horse to tell you how exactly. Check on the mod forums maybe?

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hi TGH,

thanks a lot for your input . I have SF:NA too,  I'll check whether AI behaves differently in there. With the EXP packs, do you mean the paid addon content from the official 3rd Wire store page or something else?

I probably have to do some searching for AI.ini info.

Kind regards,




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