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Strutter_130 - where art thou?

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This is probably a silly question or likely to be obvious or something stupid on my part, but I need AircraftType=Strutter_130 for a campaign and can't seem to find it. 

In my mods folder I have Strutter, Strutter1A2,  Sop1A2, Sop1B2  and noticed I also have a Sopwith Strutter 9400 Package (which doesn't include it). But alas, I cannot find Strutter_130 anywhere (not in the downloads as far as I can see).

Thanks for any help here. :)

(P.S. This is for First Eagles 2)

Edited by Northern7

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Strutter_130 is one of the models in the original FE2.  If you look in your "mods" folder for the original game under "Objects / Aircraft", you'll see it at the bottom...


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Thanks for the reply. But I do not have that in my MODS folder at all. (my mods folder being ...user/SavedGames/ThirdWire/FirstEagles2/Objects/Aircraft.)

I have many mod aircraft in there, including the Strutters I mentioned above, but there is no "Strutter_130" nor "Strutter_110" -- unless they are still packed in CAT file in the main game directory. 

I am building armchair aces redux (already have everything in place August-Dec. 1917 campaigns, but I see a call for Strutter_130 in June '17 (I am working backwards, lol) and just  can't seem to find it - though I have other variants. Concerns me that it is suppose to be default as you just mentioned, yet I don't see it anywhere. -- I am thinking maybe perhaps there were some files of some sort to make it perhaps flyable that needed to be dropped in that said directory that you have for yours (???) -- in which case, I don't know where those files can be found if that is indeed the case.



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Bingo! - that was it. I dug around and found these files in the Arm Chair Redux package -- yes, there were files for both 130 and 110 -- I just missed them, but seems all good now :)

Curious though - both the 130 and the 110 still go by the AircraftShortName=1½ Strutter and for Single Missions, I see no distinction between either in the list (and no indication which is which - just the single 1½ Strutter available for choosing, as well as the Sop1 A2,  Sop1 B2, and Sopwith 1½ Strutter1A2 previously installed in my Mods.  ???


Edited by Northern7

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Not sure what your question is - the "AircraftShortName=" entry is an information label used to populate blocks on other screens.  It can be renamed as you see fit if you wish to designate one model as the 110 h.p. variant and the other as the 130 h.p. variant.  IIRC, there were also a couple versions with 135 h.p. and 150 h.p. powerplants in service before hostilities ceased.  

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