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Lighweight placeholders: Arab Mirages

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Lighweight placeholders: Arab Mirages

Proper mods take a severe toll in my laptop, so these are ini edits to provide a cockpit and make stock aircraft flyable using only stock resources. That being said, there are much better mods that are much closer to the real thing, i only provide this  in case normal mods cause performance issues in your install

These are a few files to make DLC28 LARAF and EAF Mirages flyable

Requires SF2I and Mirage3EL DLC, as it uses Nesher and Mirage3EL cockpits

I just added dtmdragon's sight fixes for Nesher and Mirage3Os, and audio RWR.

There are more juicy mods around, but if you like keeping it down to a few INI fixes, this does the trick.

Just drop contents in your SF2 mod folder and everything should go where it has to.

If something goes wrong, blame me and me alone, and please send a PM with the issue, will fix ASAP. Can't promise anything 
since I've become a mature and dependable professional and I'm supposed to be busy all day, but tell me anyway. 


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