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F-14A radar longway lookdown.

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It's a longway lookdown to the radar in the F-14, and I really got bored with the way you plough grooves in the sky, target four Phoenix missiles, get four kills, plough back to the carrier and land.

However, I solved both problems with a cool trick. By accident.

I dumped the F14.dll and went back to 70.dll in the F-14A.ini. Now I can hand off targets to my wingman, and I can individually target with a Phoenix up the spout, whilst getting target info.

Supercool bit of luck - now the radar is where the eye-candy VDI used to be. Never saw the point of the VDI if you have a HUD. So now I can shortway look down to the radar, and still see out the HUD. That's a bingo!

I just had to extend the TrackRange to 100 from 90 in the Avionics file.

Anyway, works for me.


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Sorry for the late reply, i was thinking of trying it later, have you noticed if the TID still shows contacts from the AEWs?

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TID shows what it's supposed to do. Nothing changed there.

Subsequently I have repositioned the Cockpit OFFSET and VIEW ANGLE figures so that I have a slightly wider view that encompasses the HUD and the newly-positionedTID.

This is also beneficial, because the fpm remains in the HUD when you are coming into land at the correct speed and correct AOA index.

How anyone lands on a carrier without the fpm in view, I have no idea. Unless you're cheating AOA and crashing in at high speed

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