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I tested the Kuznetsov brought by Gepard to CombatAce. It works very well for carrier operations. It has some details that must be taken care of , but nothing big to stay in a way of a good experience. I did a little research of what Riga (the second Kuznetsov class which was never built in the end by Soviet Union, just sold to China which made a carrier from it) could 've been and I bumped into Airborne Early Warning (AEW) aircraft Yakovlev Yak-44 wannabe, cause, this one, too, was never built. This passag caught my attention: "Had the Russians went on to develop Yak-44 & its variants, undoubtedly Yak-44 would have been one of the best multipurpose maritime aircrafts to have ever been operated, since Yak-44 was envisaged to have twice the range, twice the fuel capacity & twice the endurance of E-2 Hawkeye."

If I wanna build it...can it be made to take off and land on Gepard's Kuznetsov ? It's a simple question apparently, depending who is answering it. I invite you, the veteran ones and specialist in such predictions, to tell their opinion. If I like what I hear I might have it in my future plans. Thank you.


PS - I know that the plane was intended for Ulianovsk class carrier if anyone wonders; also I didn't have, yet, the chance to test the Ulianovsk carrier for myself, so some input , if any, would be welcome, too , here for the cause. :)

Edited by UllyB

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I made a stand in in 2013, using the stock Hawkeye. Never released it. It's just a simple re-decaling with Russian insignia.

It's "close but no cigar". But for an AI plane, and if one doesn't look too closely, and squints and turns off the lights, might be usable! (<gr>)

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come to think of it, i'll attach it, so anyone who wants to can play with it.

Obviously, you'll need SF2NA for the hawkeye. It launches and lands on the boats, so ... that's a plus at least AND you can blow it up!!


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Thanks, I'll see what I can do.


I took a look at the model. If I remember correctly, at least in SF1 one could, you could hide parts of the model elements rooted in [aircraftdata] section through a syntax in plane's dataini. If so it's a piece of cake making it look like YAK-44, which misses the interior two VSTABs. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited by UllyB

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yes, there are statements to add to the data ini to remove or hide the components.  They get listed in the =AircraftData= section, like the main lod components are (ie: "HIde1") then, this statement is added, with the actual mesh names:


for more clarity, look at the data ini on this TB-25J Mitchell. You'll see how it works


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never mind, it seems someone beat us too it... in 2018!!!!

amazing the things you stumble over!!

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LOOOL I never saw that coming!!! Well another lesson learnt. Even if it wouldn't cross your mind that someone will do that, it's a good idea, even if you think for the moment that it would be a waste of time, to check first.

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5 hours ago, Wrench said:

yes, there are statements to add to the data ini to remove or hide the components.  They get listed in the =AircraftData= section, like the main lod components are (ie: "HIde1") then, this statement is added, with the actual mesh names:


for more clarity, look at the data ini on this TB-25J Mitchell. You'll see how it works


Thanks for reminding me the syntax. I will write it down in my notes.

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May I jump in ?

5 hours ago, Wrench said:


When using this kind of fake component to hide somthing from the model, or to make it visible from the cockpit view (which I do a lot),
please remember to allways add a "MassFraction=" value.
If you're hiding something then it should be "MassFraction=0.0"
If you want to show something from the cockpit and don't want to deal with the weight of the thing (like an antenna) "MassFraction=0.0" as well.
If you know how much the thing weights, you can add the "MassFraction=0.xxx" entry, as a fraction of the total weight.

Why ? because most of the time, all components have a massfraction value except the fuselage that takes all the remaining of the weight.
So if the weight remaining for the fuselage is 500kg, the game will count 250kg for the fuselage and 250kg for the component added for display purpose (like a antenna...).

Another way is to give a mass fraction value for all components, but then the total of all must be 1.0

My 2 cents, thanks for reading !

Edited by Cliff7600
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