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      Upcoming changes to our Downloads   12/27/2024

      In preparation for the upcoming changes to our download section, access to free downloads will be removed tonight 27 December 2024 at midnight server time. All paid subscription accounts will not be affected and full access to your downloads will be available.

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Hi All --


I have downloaded quite a number of missions (on the order of over 100) and I want to say THANK YOU, up front, to all of the authors who have shared the fruits of their talents, knowledge, and efforts.


A number of the missions did not work when I installed them and I had a fair amount of difficulty figuring out what was wrong. Finally I wrote a program (written in REXX - Regina) which analyzes every mission I have and summarizes each Aircraft, Ground Object, and Ship involved in the mission. It then searches the installed Aircraft (from C:\pf\...\Objects\Aircraft), Terrains (from C:\pf\...\Terrains), and Ground Objects (from C:\pf\...\Objects\GroundObjectData.ini -- extracted from ObjectData.cat) to determine if any required "objects" are not installed. A summary is produced with each object not installed flagged so you can easily find what objects need to be downloaded. In some cases, the error is not in a missing download, but a mis-spelled object within the mission text - Things like F4e vs F-4e).


At ANY rate, I am now in the process of running thru the results of the analysis on my missions and hope to have more running soon.


The anaysis is written in a language called Regina (Rexx). It is a free language that can be downloaded if desired. Simply search Regina from Google type thing.


I am willing to share the analysis code. If there is a central place where I can send it, I will be happy to do so.


Just thought this may be useful to some of the world's Aces.




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I am willing to share the analysis code. If there is a central place where I can send it, I will be happy to do so.

How about the SF downloads section here at Combat ACE?

Just a thought ...

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