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BRIMSTONE - how is it deployed?

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I have tried to use the Brimstone on the EF2000, but cannot get a visual display from the weapon. I have tried attaching all three different Litening pods and none of them produce an image. I have tried firing the weapon within parameters at moving armor, but the Brimstone always misses. Not by much, but it misses. I'm firing one at a time to ensure that there is no target switching involved. What am I doing wrong?

The only fix I can think of is to change the weapon to target by EO, then it will behave like a Maverick.

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In my weapons folder I have two of them , one is wire guided and the other one is laser guided rocket. Maybe you forgot to load a Laser pod or your avionics.ini for that plane misses the section for TV or...you forgot to add , on the wing, LGR and WGR. Mybe you put LGB instead of LGR. Go check.

The respective sections into your weapons editor should look like this:




Edited by UllyB

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4 hours ago, alexis99 said:

Fantastic. Thank you so much. I shall investigate forthwith.

No problem, glad I could help :)

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I went for Laser guided. I put LGR in the appropriate Weapon Stations. I added TLR for the Brimstone Triple Pack. Changed Guidance to Laser. All works fine with a Litening pod attached.

When you made your two versions, did you just duplicate the folders and then adjust the data file in each, so the full name of one read RAF Brimstone Laser guided Rocket, and the other RAF Brimstone (Radar) Wire Guided Missile?

I notice you also had two different 3D model names, but they're the same model right?

Or did you get these from an additional weapon pack?

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Nope, they are different (see the picture), obviously, one is LASER, so...



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