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Falcon 4 BMS 4.35 Update 2 released

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The latest iteration of the Billion Soft Falcon 4.0 total conversion modification - Benchmark Sims 4.35 U2 - is available for you to enjoy as of RIGHT NOW!

BMS 4.35 U2 requires a legit installation of a Falcon 4.0 (all older and newer versions are accepted alike, i.e. Microprose, Hasbro, GOG, Steam, Retroism). The check is performed both at setup time and every time you start BMS. If no valid installation is found, BMS will exit with a corresponding error message.

U2 is an incremental update on top of 4.35 base + U1, so you need to have the BMS 4.35 Full Installer package and Update 1 available on your PC. You can both update your existing 4.35 base + U1 installation as well as perform a fresh 4.35 base + U1 + U2 installation from scratch, as you like. See the installation instructions below for details.

This mod may not be used for any commercial purposes. Any such use may constitute a violation of the intellectual property of Billion Soft (Hong Kong) Limited and the non-commercial Terms and Conditions under which Benchmark Sims make this mod available to you.



Generic Information & Known issues:

— The build number string in the Falcon UI will read "4.35.2 (x64) Build 23835" after the update.

— The shortcuts in the start menu and on your desktop will NOT be renamed to U2, they will still read "Falcon BMS 4.35" after the update, feel free to rename them manually.

— The following change log is by no means complete. Its purpose is to give you a quick overview about the highlights. You can expect tons of smaller tweaks and fixes.

— If you have any questions or found bugs regarding the change log items please always! reference the revision number, e.g. "(r12345)".

— Note: None of the manuals have been updated yet. The 4.35.1 manuals remain valid.

File Updates:

- Falcon BMS.cfg     
- IVC Client.ini    
- RTTClient.ini     
- RTTServer.ini     
- Key Files         

- Note: Please always update the files manually. Don't copy paste!

Table of content:

01. CTD fixes
02. Falcon BMS.cfg changes
03. Shared Memory changes
04. Tool updates
05. Key File & Input fixes & updates
06. Multiplayer fixes & improvements
07. ATC fixes & improvements
08. Weather fixes & improvements
09. Various code fixes & improvements
10. Various data fixes & improvements

01. CTD fixes:

- Fixed CTDs related to gndai. (r23563)
- Fixed CTDs after map erase, iterator is invalided for that position. (r23591)
- Avoid dangling pointer after deleting pn->subPartData. (r23592)
- CTD fix when pilot nid is above hardcoded 686. (r23637)
- Fixed gndai waypoint CTD. (r23646)
- CTD fix in the whole ATC state machine, rule out helos from ATC entirely. (r23681)
- CTD fix in landme (null ptr check). (r23702)
- Locked simloop UpdateATC, since this can be called from campaign thread (race condition CTD). (r23765)
- Fixes alpha CTD due to different viewports. (r23432)
- Fixes nullptr PAKmap CTD. (r23348)
- CTD fix, related to nullptr insertion of GroupDrawLists. (r23356)
- Fix for pure virtual CTDs. (r23389)
- Tons of other CTD fixes.

02. Falcon BMS.cfg changes:
- Added missing lines in the Falcon BMS.cfg (r14319):
  * set g_nRespawnTimeforStuckAI (default 6 minutes). ReagTimer and DeagTimer adjusted accordingly.
  * set g_bHostDisableP2pForDubiousConnections (default 0/false). Should be activated for large MP events.

- U2 *does* replace your existing config file. Do *not* make a backup! 
- Instead, re-configure from scratch based on the new file, otherwise you'll miss new config options.

03. Shared Memory changes

04. Tool updates
- Fixed the BMS Editor 'Model Viewer' (r23421)

05. Key File & Input fixes & updates

06. Multiplayer fixes & improvements

07. ATC fixes & improvements

- Make sure DigitalBrain rWindex is aligned with the ATC / Airbase in the whole landme function. (r23681)
- ATCMsg is missing a break statement. In case of lParked, info can be destroyed and default case will access it.
- Fix for ATCBrain::GetOppositeRunway (r23629)
- pointer in ATCBrain::ProcessQueue() gets deleted twice. (r23652)
- Fix in ATCBrain: Pointer nextTakeoff may become dangling during function. (r23660)

08. Weather fixes & improvements

09. Various code fixes & improvements:

Note: The following changes may include data & 3ddb updates as well.

- Fixed ground Units not reaggregating and memory corruption as well. (r23506)
- Fixed ObjectLOD races -> missing cockpit and model problems. (r23562)
- Fixed repairing code in campaign thread. It will now send a message to SimLoop thread and all clients to repair the given feature. (r23564)
- Fix Squadron stores ressuply when aircraft are coming back home. (r23580)
- Added critical section during ObjectLOD::Unload.This can avoid a leak, in the case of unload/load/unload sequences. (r23593)
- Fix for out of bounds access in the O_Output WordWrap function. (r23606)
- Prevent accessing the team array out of bounds. (r23607)
- Avoid buffer overflow write, which caused memory corrupption in SetAcLoadout. (r23611)
- Fixed TGP being blocked after loosing a flight element. (r23611)
- When movieClose is called, we can release the surface twice, causing undefined behavior. (r23621)
- BaseBrain lastTarget is not referencing the object it points to. As a result, it may become dangling when targetPtr is dereferenced. (r23627)
- Fixed UI_UpdateOccupationMap (r23637)
- Fixes deadlock due to ArrestorDraw. (r23639)
- Fix for SimVehicleClass::Sleep is not nulling death message. (r23661)
- Make sure to call ClearTarget on SimBrain destructor, to avoid leaks. (r23664)
- Fix for Weapon fire msg is converting helicopter to aircraft. (r23665)
- Fixed overruns within the 3D-interpolationfunction (MissileClass::GetRMax, GetRneMax and GetRopt)when it tries to access the assumed 3D-data. (r23692)
- Added precondition checks and fixes in 1, 2 and 3D-interpolation function. (r23693)
- Fixed bogus values being read outside the data table array. (r23693)
- Fixed memory leak in SimWeapon::launcher. (r23718)
- Fixed bad cockpit text drawing outside Start and Finish frame. (r23726)
- Fixed memory corruption in CameraDrawList. (r23727)
- Fixed zero devision in GetRMax. (r23736)
- Fix to avoid deleting any waypoint from SimVehicleClass which is shared with gNavigationSys waypoints. (r23737)
- Avoid dispatcher races (UI and campaign for example) when leaving campaign or 3d (depending on game type). (r23739)
- Added Copy paste functionality in edit box and chat command line. (r23755)
- AIM120 fixes: That makes MADDOG shots a defensive of WVR mode as expected. (r23761)
  * MADDOG : goes active as soon as off the rail and scan with a limited range capability
  * MADDOG : does not loft anymore since has no information on range when fired
  * HOJ : HOJ is only capable when the missile went active
- Fixed AI reacting to missile too early when missile was in HPRF instead of MPRF. (r23762)
- Fixed out of bounds fix in ooutput: when SetText is called on an existing O_Output. (r23770)
- Fixed Terrain loading race. (r23774)
- Fixed Shadow map was not being cleared after sundown. (r23792)
- Fixed race possibilities while exiting campaign/TE. (r23795)
- Fixes nan values due to InJetWash computation. (r23435)
- Fix Heat Blur positioning and velocity when aircraft is in Idle. (r23401)
- Fix heat Blur not oriented correctly with vectoring thrust. (r23401)
- And many, many more.

10. Various data fixes & improvements:

Note: The following changes may include code & 3ddb updates as well.

- Updated ambiant light since we have real moon now. (r14084)
- Fixed TracersGreen and TracersRed missing alpha channel. (r14141)
- Fixed Al-Tariq bomb : mimic the GBU-54 instead of the GBU-12. (r14142)
- Fixed F18 series totally out of control while landing. (r14186)
- F-16 Cockpits updated. (r14333)
  * Made flight control stick move (very little)
  * Fixed seat adjustment switch. Now it has the washer and jam nut on the sidewall to hold the switch.
  * Added more switches on the 2 seater F-16s for more real life accuracy.
  * Textures updated.
- Fixed JFS Start does not work in all non F-16 cockpits. (r14339)
- Fixed Unit Flight's element for ASW, ECM, Recon and Tanker types. (r14340)
- Updated American F-16 CCIP pit avionics panel to the more correct panel. (r14347)
- Fixed RSAF F-16 IFF panel. Digits were not working. (r14347)
- Fixed F-16 Sufa cockpit. Changed from Aux Comm to IFF panel. (r14350)
- Cleaned up some texture misalignments on the night lighting and missing backlighting in some areas of some cockpits. (r14360)
- Disabled the MAP switch on the PXIII F-16 since it is not used. GPS switch now moves instead of the GPS and MAP switch. Hotspot updated. (r14360)
- Fixed Sufa Altimeter (6 digit). Was only showing 1/2 the digits. (r14360)
- Fixed ALS for Kimhae RWY 36R that had one element in the middle of the Taxiway A. (r14365)
- Updated shaders. (r14370)
- All Hotas Basic key files are now available in the UI Controllers Setup "Load Keyboard". (r14375)
- Fixed F-16 EAF incorrect AGM65G loadout. (r14377)
- Various Texture updates.
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Thanks! I get my BMS news here...:drinks:


Edited by Viper63a

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      Dear friends,
      Update 5.202 is live. It brings a lot of new content and improvements in different parts of the sim.
      The Battle of Normandy has been expanded to include 9 aircraft instead of the standard 8: Spitfire Mk.IXc, which we released today. As it was a mainstay of the RAF in early 1944, it is a great addition to the career mode during the Normandy period. This addition is retroactive, so all existing owners of Battle of Normandy will get this new bird for free.
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      In this update we also show some love to our older planes - our engineering team has thoroughly checked and improved the FM of several planes thanks to new historical data found by enthusiasts. P-47 critical AoA and maximum wing lift have been increased and made less stable (please be more careful with the flight stick until you get used to it). All Fw 190-A roll rates have been increased. The P-40 received the 1942 engine modification that allowed it to run on emergency power for a longer period thanks to reinforced ball bearings. WW1 aircraft shaking from damage is reduced and visible damage is tuned to better match actual damage. We were also able to add manual fuel gauges to more aircraft: all Il-2s, all Fw 190-A series, all He 111s, Ju 87, and I-16.
      These FM improvements are even more enjoyable because the control mapping process has been streamlined: not only can you search for an assigned command by pressing a button on your control device or entering the command name, but many new on/off commands have been added to assign them to HOTAS switches - parking brakes, engine superchargers, cockpit open/close, bomb bay doors, air brakes, Ju 87 siren, individual engine propeller feathering, etc.
      There are also many improvements to mission generation. Flying Circus pilots get their own Advanced Quick Mission Generator on the Western Front WWI map, which was previously only available on WWII maps. There are several improvements to the career mode: the flight altitude over the Western Front during WWII is higher than on the Eastern Front, 12-13,000 feet, and there is a new mission type, Airfield Defense (see other changes below). AI pilots should now generally do a better job of attacking head-on. The historical campaign Lightning Strikes has been heavily reworked and improved, and there are fixes for the Ten Days of Autumn and Steel Birds campaigns.
      New experimental mission editor features mentioned in our last DD are also in - to enable them, you can add the line full_editor = 1 to the [SYSTEM] part of the data\startup.cfg file. Changes you make to water and forest maps in the editor will be visible in the game in Mods On mode. The landscape change menu will also be accessible, but it's intended for enthusiast teams working on the new maps (a map with a changed landscape will not load in the game in Mods On mode and will cause an error during loading).
      All in all, we have done our best to include something nice for everyone in this update, and we hope you enjoy it!
      See you in the skies!
      5.202 Changelist
      The Romanian I.A.R.80/81 fighter is available in both variants (short and long) for all owners of the corresponding Collector Planes kit; British Spitfire Mk.IXc fighter is available for all owners of Battle of Normandy; Advanced Quick Mission mode has been added to the Western Front WWI map for owners of any Flying Circus module; A search by command name and assigned key/axis has been added to the control mapping settings; For easy assignment of HOTAS toggle switches, several cyclic commands are duplicated as separate on/off commands: bomb fuses, bomb bay doors, air brakes, Ju 87 siren, engine superchargers, canopy open/close, all propeller feathering, specific engine propeller feathering, tail wheel lock, and parking brakes; P-47: updated FM, reduced stability margin to better match historical data, increased maximum wing lift and critical angle of attack; P-40: added "Engine V-17190-39 (1942)" modification to reflect improvements in engine design that increased the allowable operating time at emergency modes; Fw-190 A-series: roll rate brought to historical values (increased); Fuel gauge switch control is implemented on all IL-2s, I-16, all Fw 190-A series, all He 111s and Ju-87; Career: the altitude of intercepting and escorting bombers in Rheinland and Normandy careers has been increased to 4000-4500 meters; Corrected the visual display of damage and reduced shaking when WWI airplanes are damaged; IAR 80/81: its unique bomb control system has been improved to better match the historical prototype - in the bomb drop mode the bombs are released by the main trigger (command "fire all guns"); Career: updated Airfield Defense mission; Career: Spitfire Mk.XIV fighters in Rheinland career are equipped with E-wing (two 12.7mm instead of four 7.7mm machine guns); Fixed a problem with AI pilots pulling away from a frontal attack too early; Improved routine for detecting an enemy attacking a group of AI planes from blind spots; Fixed a problem with AI gunners aiming in tanks with coaxial machine guns; Experimental features for editing water and forest maps have been added to the editor: to enable them you can add the line full_editor = 1 to the [SYSTEM] part of the data\startup.cfg file. Water and forest map changes you make in the editor will be visible in the game in Mods On mode. The landscape change menu will be also accessible, but it is intended for enthusiast teams who are working on the new maps (an existing map with an altered landscape won't load in the game in Mods On mode and will result in an error during loading). Career: in the transport escort missions for the Eastern Front career, the front line has been restored; Career: fighter-bombers have been added as targets in the Attack Intercept and Attack Escort missions; Career: Fixed rocket launches in the air without gaining the right altitude in Assault Escort missions; Career: fixed very long attack of a target by attacking aircraft on the runway for Attack Escort missions with start on the runway; Career: for Transport Escort missions for Eastern Front careers, fixed smoke hanging in the air that should be on the ground; Career: redesigned the template for escorting transports that bring cargo to the airfield instead of dropping it on parachute containers, fixed a bug with escorted transports not being able to land; Career: Fixed early scoring of mission success when the plane has not even reached its airfield yet; Career: Fixed takeoff at Malye Chapurniki airfield on Stalingrad map; Career: Added a new engine for AI P-40 fighters in Stalingrad and Kuban careers; Western Front" map: fixed takeoff at Braizieux airfield; Updated "Lightning Strikes" campaign; Added sound for all La and LaGG on the release of the bomb drop button; On La-5F and La-5FN, changed the limitation of camera downward movement when the canopy is open; IAR 80/81: Bomb racks removed from fighter modifications; Fw-190 (all): corrected animation of cockpit canopy opening handle; Ju 88 C-6: fixed a bug displaying one of the bombs in the bomb bay; Several popular multiplayer servers have their icons in the server list (please contact our Community Manager if you want to assign one to your server); Small fixes have been made to the "10 Days of Autumn" and "Steel Birds" campaigns; Improved air behavior of parachute containers and Ar 234 rocket boosters; Fixed a problem with artillery gun crews when repairing them by MCU Command: Damage.
    • By 76.IAP-Blackbird
      Dear Friends,
      The preparation of the new update continues at full throttle. The CG-4A glider is a challenge as several new features are necessary for its towing, which have never been included in the simulation. The Western Front WWI map and the last aircraft for Flying Circus Vol. III, the R.E.8 two-seater, are almost complete and receiving final touches.
      A quick heads-up: please note that due to the sheer amount of changes we're making to the Flying Circus Career mode (not only is the map much more populated but new aircraft have been added and its timeframe starts earlier) it will not be compatible with the existing careers using this map. If you currently have an ongoing WWI career, we recommend finishing it before December 19th when we will release the new update. Alternatively, you can wait for the update to start a new career.
      The long-awaited I.A.R. Collector Plane is also nearing completion. In this case, however, instead of one, there will be two Collector Planes in a single purchase. The long and short variants are quite different, so they are considered distinct aircraft in the game. Each plane comes with its own modifications, paint schemes, flight characteristics, and more. The short version will be available in the December 5.201 update, with the long version following soon before the end of the Winter, likely in January.

      The first Romanian fighter to be produced in large numbers was made mostly of metal, except for the stabilizer and flaps which were made of a different material. The flaps and landing gear were operated by hydraulic pressure. The I.A.R.80-A fighter series 106-150 will be the base model for the short version. This fighter was equipped with six 7.92 mm FN Browning machine guns that fired German ammunition. Its flying capabilities were comparable to those of the Yak-1, but later versions of the IAR had more powerful weapons and bombs:
      I.A.R.80-B series 181-200 had four 7.92 mm machine guns rather than six, as well as two 13.2mm FN Browning machine guns that fired 13.2 mm Hotchkiss rounds. The I.A.R.80-M had two 20 mm MG-151/20 cannons and two 7.92 mm FN Browning machine guns. The I.A.R.81 series 151-175 was equipped with six 7.92mm FN Browning machine guns and was designed to carry up to three bombs weighing up to 400 kg. The underbelly bomb rack had a distinctive parallelogram mechanism, similar to the Ju 87 dive-bomber, preventing bombs from hitting the propeller during dive bombing.
      The aircraft was powered by a twin-row radial 14-cylinder air-cooled engine, the I.A.R.-14K; it was licensed from the French Gnome-Rhone 14K. This engine could produce up to 1000 hp in take-off mode. A less powerful version of this type of engine was also present in the Hs-129 B-2 Collector Plane, a German ground attack aircraft.

      We have a question for Romanian players or anyone knowledgeable in Romanian aviation during WWII. Do you recall the photo of Squadron Commander Collins's family in the cockpit of our Typhoon? If you have thoughts on what should be the default photos in the IAR cockpit, we'd appreciate your ideas. Maybe a famous pilot's wife or girlfriend? Two photos could be taken during the war years - one for the short IAR and one for the long one.
      In other news - if you're interested in Tank Crew details, Daniel 'Han' has recorded a short video describing a new feature for more precise artillery fire, bubble levels in the gunsights of the SPGs we have - SU-152, SU-122, Ferdinand and StuG III G. The video turned out to be a bit too realistic, so please make sure video subtitles are turned on since it might be hard to hear his voice over the engine noise and explosions.

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