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This is why the US doesn't export the F-22 Raptor

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How credible are the producers of this video? I ask because it mentions a RCS (radar cross-section) for the F-22 about the size of a bumble bee, but I've always read about the size of a seagull. What the narrator claims sounds more like stealth capability under ideal conditions, rather than the norm he seems to be insinuating.  According to the wiki, even the F-35 Lightning II can have a RCS less than the size of a golf ball under ideal conditions. As well, the narrator seems to portray the Chinese Chengdu J-20 as a true competitor, but I've read its less than stellar turn radius puts it behind both the F-22 and F-35 for performance. And while it was rumored that Israel leaked secrets aiding the manufacture of the Chengdu J-10, nothing was ever actually confirmed and nothing close to solid evidence was ever presented.

The F-22's dual engines are a boon for survivability and something I know my country's Airforce (which is in on the F-35 program) would truly love to have. That said, aren't they also a bit of a bane for stealth compared to the F-35 in terms of a larger rear heat signature? I've also read in a number of publications and articles, that the extremely high cost of the F-22 was more of a factor in it not being considered a jet for foreign sales. JSF program was from it's early days always supposed to be producing the aircraft that would fulfill that export role. I personally feel the F-22 is a beautiful warbird (a 1st of its kind) , an excellent air asset and deterrent and I've always loved flying one in a combat sim - TAW was a blast back in the day. That said I don't think the F-35 Lightning II is exactly chopped liver, so to say, in comparison to it.

Edited by Arrow

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