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most spectacular mission ever

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Just another winter jaunt across the lines......but dawn dark.....rain clouds and lightning...a submarine sun barely creeping under the clouds....and laser like searchlights fixing us/them in the sky....and locking on/following the aircraft.  The visuals were riveting and I was lucky to survive the flights of bad guys while I was outside the cockpit gawking at the gorgeous effects.  The searchlights tracked like a midnight sun....very unpleasant picked out like a roman candle in the darkness... and the lightning showed on the fuselage....it was by far the most amazing display of all this great sim has to offer that I've ever seen.  Poached a couple cripples from wingies who'd clearly paid more attention than I.....fled home and landed.  I regret not taking a few screenshots but I was so captivated (this after 15 years flapping around here) that I couldn't remember the keyboard code to do so.  Whatever....Devs....Thx

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Had a similar experience the other night on the new rig. Finally getting to see 1918 in all of its terrifying glory. Flew a line patrol with US 95 Squadron and what a dogfight! I literally lost count of the machines in the air. A mix of Albatros DVa's, Pfalz DIII's, and some two-seaters. At one point, I had gotten some distance from the nearest threats and saw this line of aircraft chasing each other through the clouds, all firing on each other. I've been playing FWW flight sims since the mid 90s and the hair on the back of my neck still stood up. The old gal still has it!

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Great reports,  there's all sorts of adventures in there now.  Also remember there's the Home Defence (HD) squads defending Britain from in the 1st Blitz.  Defend from Gotha and Zep raids.

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