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snapper 21

Changing Aircraft In Your Flight

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Hi All

Is there a trick to adding different aircraft to your flight and having them armed?

For example if I want to fly an F-4G but have the rest of my flight in F-4E I thought just having both aircraft having SEAD load outs would work.

When I change the aircraft in loadout screen they come in empty. 

I can add weapons manually just wondered if there was a work around?



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It is possible as you see in the screenshot. Different planes with different armament.

In the loadout screen you can change the planes, so that you can have different planes in the flight. If you change the plane then the armament load is set to 0. You must select the armament for each plane by yourself. You can only select the weapons which are availabe for the first plane, what means if you have a mix between friendly and enemy planes in your flight, that some planes will have no weapons.

The game will not automatically add the weapons of the first plane to other planes. Thats a game issue.

Edited by Gepard
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