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Virtual cockpit issue

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I'm unable to exit virtual cockpit view, I've tried the default keys to no avail. I had just started squeezing the trigger behind a fighter when it annoyingly entered that mode which i don't really get either.  I haven't changed any default mapping so why would squeezing the joystick fire button cause that to happen?

I'm using a hotas thrustmaster warthog joystick. 

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Sounds like the trigger button has been mapped to change view?  Try remapping your buttons, trigger.....and save it once you're happy.  Good luck.....

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What Gaw says basically. The sim does not "auto" change views at all.  Go to WOFF's Workshops menu, and launch "ReMap Keys/Controllers"

Select each controller you have and check what is bound to buttons and axis carefully.  Remove or rebind whatever is not correct.

Also on 2nd column at the top change the filter to "ViewControl" and see what's there from the keys point of view too.


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Yeah i just unbinded all the all the joystick buttons and remapped the fire function to my main joystick trigger.  Sorry if i came across as a bit peeved off but i was. i had just spent almost an hour flying and was right behind an enemy fighter when it happened so there were a few rude words shouted lol


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I also forgot to install to the latest update so that may have been part of the issue as well.

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Glad you are up and running tone12.  There's no change to how cockpit view works in the update. It is more likely you fixed it when you re-bound your joystick controls.

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