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Diplomatic relations between Dhimar and Paran

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The spokesperson of the kingdom of Dhimar announced that a formal complaint has been filed against the empire of Paran for having armed military aircrafts flying under civilian registrations.


The head of the training center "Falcon Flight", based near Horreya - Empire of Paran, answered it was a necessary measure to protect innocent civilian student pilots during their flights
from (quote) the very dangerous and totally irresponsible trigger fanatics that were recruited in the armies of Dhimar, including their crazy pilots

Chief of the parani public relations added that there was no concern about these aircrafts being equipped with a machine gun because it was "filled with lead".


A parani MiG-15 photographed while flying over a Royal Dhimari Air Force base :

Edited by Cliff7600
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Bloody Dhimaris, always nicking our sand, the bounders !!!! 

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It's easy to know when a parani tries to enter the Dhimari airspace. The air force interceptors don't let him any chance to evade.


The picture is taken from a little airfield I added near Al'Duhok.
It's the same place as the post before, with the Hueys.

I'm the chased MiG you can see on the left (so you can admire the accuracy of the shot with their nuclear thingy)
and I won't make it because they kept shooting at me even at sea level.

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Some photos of the Mig Ye-8s.
Some of them are officially presented as "F-7 144" and the propaganda claims they were made in China...

MiG Ye-8 MF #71

MiG Ye-8 MS #91

Ye-8 MS vs CF-105


F-7 144 between the suns of Dhimar

The parani night invaders sometimes have the opportunity to sunbathe at night.










MiG Ye-8 MLK vs F-101B, both aircrafts collided and were lost.

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