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External Fuel Tank Lights indicator in F-4E Cockpit

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Hi guys,

I have a question about the cockpit's external fuel tank indicator lights. How do I add these lights to other F-4E Phantom II planes like HAF F-4E? Thanks a lot. 

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3 hours ago, Falcon1364 said:

Hi guys,

I have a question about the cockpit's external fuel tank indicator lights. How do I add these lights to other F-4E Phantom II planes like HAF F-4E? Thanks a lot. 

a picture would be helpful , wich lights exactly the one on the cockpit frame or the status lights on the right side panel ???

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Hi Ravenclaw_007,

Thanks for your response. I meant the lights on the left upper corner of the cockpit. 

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this lights are only functioning on F-4 cockpits made by me , the stock TW F-4 cockpits dont have them

i´m currently doing all the F-4E cockpits so in a little while you can download a cockpit suitable for the HAF F-4E

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