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(Early) Code Group Patches EAWv1.20to1.28to1.28ato1.28b

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(Early) Code Group Patches EAWv1.20to1.28to1.28ato1.28b

This is an early set of the un-official v1.28 and the two upgrades. 
*Important Information:
If you have the GOG versions, 1.2 or 1.28, then these upgrades would over write the GOG made eaw.exe revisions. 
It effectively takes away the GOG patch. It 's your choice if you wish to do this.


1.2 to 1.28 to 1.28a to 1.28b Install Instructions
by: MarkEAW 

Download These Files:

EAW1.28patch.exe 48.4MB  This is a 1.2 to 1.28 Installer (Jun222008)
1.28to1.28a.exe  11.2MB  1.28 to a  (Jun182009)
1.28ato1.28b.exe 969KB   1.28a to b  (Jul042009)

eaw.ini file;  
Before installing, remove/delete your v1.2 eaw.ini file from the game folder to allow the new un-official version to make its own ini file with extend functions.

From a fresh install; 
Have a clean "install" of the official MicroProse v1.20 game.
Install the first patch into that folder, the 'EAW12' game folder, allowing some existing files to be overwritten.
Then extract each patch there after into the same folder, overwriting some of the files each time.



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    • By MarkEAW
      If you have the GOG release, the Campaign Films (The cut scenes) will tend to crash the game during Career Modes when they go to play the .smk movies. This is true for the standard MPS EAW Game as well, just more common.
      You can download a 'empty' MOVIES.CDF file and drop it into your EAWv1.2GOG version game folder and it will allow the game to get past the cut scene, by skipping it.
      Get the Empty Movies.CDF here at CombatACE in the EAW Downloads if you need it. (Its 7-zip so make sure you have that program to un zip it.)
    • By MarkEAW
      This is an early set of the un-official v1.28 and the two upgrades. 
      *Important Information:
      If you have the GOG versions, 1.2 or 1.28, then these upgrades would over write the GOG made eaw.exe revisions. 
      It effectively takes away the GOG patch. It 's your choice if you wish to do this.
      1.2 to 1.28 to 1.28a to 1.28b Install Instructions
      by: MarkEAW 

      Download These Files:
      EAW1.28patch.exe 48.4MB  This is a 1.2 to 1.28 Installer (Jun222008)
      1.28to1.28a.exe  11.2MB  1.28 to a  (Jun182009)
      1.28ato1.28b.exe 969KB   1.28a to b  (Jul042009)

      eaw.ini file;  
      Before installing, remove/delete your v1.2 eaw.ini file from the game folder to allow the new un-official version to make its own ini file with extend functions.

      From a fresh install; 
      Have a clean "install" of the official MicroProse v1.20 game.
      Install the first patch into that folder, the 'EAW12' game folder, allowing some existing files to be overwritten.
      Then extract each patch there after into the same folder, overwriting some of the files each time.
    • Guest
      By Guest
      After updating to October 2008 patch, the game hangs and then crashes at 60% while loading an instant or single mission.

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