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Last news show the module has malking progress (from RAZBAM discord / X / FB / ED forum):



DCS MiG-23MLA 23-12A update

Here below is the latest update from our devs working on the mighty MiG 23MLA 23-12A. 

-The external model is 90% complete. Work on the final elements of the visual damage model and the liveries remains.

-The internal model (cockpit) is around 70% complete, with about 95% of the required animations and textures for the coding process already made. 
  The cockpit is currently using simple textures while the more detailed and realistic ones are a work in progress that will be shown once the work is in a more advanced state.

-The module manual draft is in an advanced state and will be finished soon. We´ll see if it can be shared with the community eventually once it is more complete to help in the wait.

-Aircraft systems modeling and cockpit interactivity is in full swing for some time now. Initial testing of the aircraft in game has already started.

Thank you for your support 

From us all at Razbam 




A video show some info about Mig-23MLA HUD and LAZUR datalink system.


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I have been waiting for this for so long. The Strike Fighters MiG-23 mods were limited by the available avionics. This will finally provide a decent, combat capable simulation of the MiG-23.

I would have preferred either an earlier MiG-23MF or the final MiG-23MLD, but I will gladly take RAZBAM's MiG-23MLA whose version was selected because that is the aircraft the developers physically have available for inspection/study. It is a Cuban aircraft, so I don't know if it will be identical to a Soviet frontline MLA or be partially degraded as an export model despite not having an export designation. I need to check my MiG-23 book to see if it identifies any variations in the Cuban models.

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Researching the MiG-23MLA, there are two production numbers associated with this designation: the original 23-12a (the 23-12 being the MiG-23ML) and the 23-16. I cannot find with any certainty what the 23-16 was, but a forum suggested that was the designation for older MiG-23M and MiG23ML aircraft brought up to the MiG-23MLA standard. I cannot find any evidence that the MiG-23MLA aircraft exported to other countries was any different than those used by the USSR. Cuba received about around 12-14 MiG-23MLA.

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23-12A is the recent Yefim designation for the original MLA and only shows Cuba as getting those from the early 1980s.

They arrived in Angola in 84...............The recent MiG Diaries written by former Cuban MiG-23ML/A pilot and a SAAF pilot is by far the best book on the Angolan air war - but they only refer to the 23 being an ML which doesnt help.

There were two new build MLA varients i23-19B (MLAE) for Syria/Libya that had a mix of avionics, and i23-22A (MLAE-2) for Bulgaria which was an MLA airframe with Russian MLD avionics. Both are called export MLDs in other sources.

All Russian P/ML/MLA airframes were supposedly converted and upgraded into the dogtooth MLDs from the mid 80s.





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