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How Do I Use Lead Sight for Guns?

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I recently got into playing this sim so there are a lot of things I still do not fully understand. Based on what I have experienced so far, the appropriate fighters have air-to-air leading gun sights that sort of point to where you need to aim in order to hit moving targets. However I do not understand how these actually work. I target the enemy, lock on with my radar, and still the gun sight indicator is pointing straight ahead and not leading in any way. What is the correct procedure for making the gun sight actually lead a target?

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You need to put the sight on the target. the harder you pull Gs the sight will pull away.. Use gentle turns or let the plane naturally turn then pull your flight stick gently to have the sight stay on the target.


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19 hours ago, FalconC45 said:

You need to put the sight on the target. the harder you pull Gs the sight will pull away.. Use gentle turns or let the plane naturally turn then pull your flight stick gently to have the sight stay on the target.


Do you happen to have some footage of this? Because no matter what I do the lead always just points straight ahead.

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Nazr what plane are you using? Some of the older jets are fixed, while the newer, more modern "float" in the HUD when using it as an aimpoint. Also if you specify which plane, maybe the more experienced flyers may help too.

Edited by EricJ

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4 minutes ago, EricJ said:

Nazr what plane are you using? Some of the older jets are fixed, while the newer, more modern "float" in the HUD when using it as an aimpoint. Also if you specify which plane, maybe the more experienced flyers may help too.


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Ahh, the TMF or the stock one? I'm sure it doesn't matter, but there are plenty of fliers of that plane for sure. I fly the Super Hornet more often, so I'm not used to the jet that much.

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