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Albatros D II ( EARLY ) Redux

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Albatros D II ( EARLY ) Redux





Following on from my previous upload of the Albatros D I, it is only right and proper to continue on with the D II ( Early ) As with my previous uploads, this is a total workover of the original D II ( Early ) From Stephen 1918.

So, a brief callout of what is included skins wise. First a generic 3 tone Camo scheme over light ply, I have done this as that way I could amalgamate several generic but mainly correct personal markings, without assigning them to any particular Jasta, so a pot luck/generic DII. The next one is an early Turkish Ottoman Albatros, again very generic, and not intended to be any particular Turkish unit. Then the really tasty one, or at least I think it is, 16 Aircraft from Jasta 2, including 7 correctly numbered and marked Albatri, as follows :-
386 Oswald Bolcke
437 Erwin Böhme
390 Otto Höhne
391 Karl Büttner
426 Lt. Günter
372 Stefan Kirmaier
491 Manfred Richtofen

The remaining 11 aircraft are figments of my imagination, but I think they fit in with the general theme of Jasta 2 Bolcke. 

Finally I have included Von Richthofens first red Albatros, which he used later on in 1916 most likely after the unfortunate death of Oswald Bolcke.Apparently it was his orginal Albatros ( D491 ) with all the fuselage, markings and tail feathers given a red wash, very cool indeed. 

As for everything else, as with all my uploads the whole package is there, so it is an un zip, drop and go sort of deal. If you haven't had any of my aircraft before, then everything is included in this package, Aircraft, Skins, decals, Guns, Sounds, and Pilots. Merely unpack the zip/Rar file, and drop it into the save folder where all your other goodies are stored. I shall again Warn that this package WILL overwrite any other ALB DII ( Early ) you already have installed if that is the case, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE back it up or rename it so no untoward harm comes, so there you go, I warned you, so if you futz it up, it's your fault 'cos ya didn't read the boring blather on here :stars:


As Always..............ENJOY!!!!!................:airplane:


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      As always...............................ENJOY !!!  
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      As always...............................ENJOY !!!  
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