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An overhaul of the Albatros D III, this upload will be in 4 parts, this the first of 4, are 2 generic Albatri, in factory finish, with spurious markings, 1 Yellow and black checked example from Jasta 36, and Ottoman machine in generic markings, as most Turkish aircraft seemed to be. The following 3 uploads shall be machines from Jastas 2, 11, and 12 respectivly. each jasta will be the complete D III, with the .INI file named thus " ALBATROS D III ( JASTA***) this allows you the end users to have Jasta specific Albatros D III's seperate from the generic D III files, sorry I am possibly not explaining this correctly, but it will become self evident should you download ALL 4 files.

On to the description of what I have done here, I have redrawn the panel lines, fixtures and fitting, and generally tidied up the frankly quite awful mess that are the Thirdwire skins, obviously, I have not done any remodelling as such, other than to move panels around, and put things in that are missing from the TW stock skins. I have reworked ALL of the Camouflage, and wood textures, and made the aircraft clean, rather than the over done dirty textures on the originals. 

As with all my previous uploads of the DI/DII/W4 series, these are just straight up unpack and drop into your save directory, with again, the warning that the WILL overwrite any existing D III files you may already have installed, so if you wish to preserve your originals, make sure you back 'em up !!! or rename !!!

Everything is included as usual, Aircraft, Skins, Decals, Guns, and Pilots, and of course the sounds.  Unpack, plug, and fly !!


As always..............ENJOY !!!    :airplane:


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      As always...................ENJOY  
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