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Questions about avionics ini: Boresight

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Helo everyone,

I have questionsa bout the contents under [AvionicsData]:

But first, I have already defined the sweeping angles for radar




And my questions is this:



I am re-workin gon AN/APS-6 radar, I want to make it use boresight as second steps when using radar to detect fighter (SEARCH then BORESIGHT) to "simulate" primitive radr system wehre you wouldd use radar to search then align with target for night mission.

However, what I do not yet understand is the last 3 codes of boresight.  Does BoresightElevation and BoresightAzimuth add to an alreacy existing radar sweep angle defined in above codes? Or does it mean it have their own angle limitation? 

Next question; Can anyone explain more about BoresightBeamAngle? is it the limitation beam angle when beaming at target? If yes, it mean  it have limitatino of 3.7 angle?

It is my goal to have boresight having the same angle as search radar.

Thank you 


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7 hours ago, Eagle114th said:

Does BoresightElevation and BoresightAzimuth add to an alreacy existing radar sweep angle defined in above codes? Or does it mean it have their own angle limitation? 

From my understanding, BoresightElevation and BoresightAzimuth define the direction of the beam. In this case, it will be 0 azimuth - straight center, and -2 elevation, meaning that it's angled down -2 degrees from the aircraft's centerline.

BoresightBeamAngle should be the width of the cone, imagine it not as a "line" but as a "cone" with apex being placed at emitter and degree being measured from the centerline (or bore in that matter)


Edited by OlWilly
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THANK YOU, i got it now. I think I understrand now. To clarify what you explained:

BoresightElevation and BoresightAzimuth are hte offset for boresight to 'aim" by deafult.  And that BoresightBeamAngle is 'core angle' like ice cream cone,s tart at one point, as it spread out toward 'searching' area.

According to the radar set for AN/APG-6



I used the smallest angle, which is 40 from elevation of +20 and -20.  Since I can:t define the angle of evelator / azimuth for boresight, so it:s best for me to use smalelst one.  However, in-game, tested it, works perfectly!    I set it to sesarch for target, then steered toward that, then switched to boresight, there it is , target with 'AIM DOT" to further ajust the path toward the target in AD-4 with radar.  Works perfectly, which :simulate: AN/APG-6 peerfectly!



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