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the ODS30 F-14 problems

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After I installed ODS30AE, I found that the cockpit display and MFD and VDI operation of my F-14A and F-14A+ MOD became strange. I can't use "[" and "]" to switch their display modes, switch between compass, RWR and radar screens, and there will be a string of strange numbers,the RWR in F-14A didn't work can't display anything.
How can I solve this problem?

Edited by SUDNAVY

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I thought I had fixed it long ago, I'm so sorry to hear about this.

I'm afraid I'm pretty busy so I cannot provide a fix anytime soon. If someone else can look into it, I'd appreciate it.

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4 hours ago, Menrva said:

I thought I had fixed it long ago, I'm so sorry to hear about this.

I'm afraid I'm pretty busy so I cannot provide a fix anytime soon. If someone else can look into it, I'd appreciate it.

I admire your work, and I have no trouble using the original TMF cockpits, I just prefer the ODS30AE cockpit. Perhaps you have already fixed this problem, and just uploaded the wrong file?

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@SUDNAVY I'm confused, what have you done exactly? I just checked ODS 30AE quickly and it all works properly on my end. The cockpit in ODS30AE is the same of TMF but it was edited to work just like any other stock cockpit, so you don't have to use the "[" and "]" keys to switch between radar modes. You shouldn't mix your mods or other mods with ODS 30AE, I cannot provide support for this instance.

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8 hours ago, Menrva said:

@SUDNAVY I'm confused, what have you done exactly? I just checked ODS 30AE quickly and it all works properly on my end. The cockpit in ODS30AE is the same of TMF but it was edited to work just like any other stock cockpit, so you don't have to use the "[" and "]" keys to switch between radar modes. You shouldn't mix your mods or other mods with ODS 30AE, I cannot provide support for this instance.

I didn't mix anything,it's single mod package,so I also confused.I'll check it.thank you .

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@SUDNAVY Just to be sure, are you using the latest version of ODS 30AE ? It was uploaded last week and it also contains a fix for the cockpits of the F-14s. The previous version had them with broken VDI and other issues.

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4 hours ago, Menrva said:

@SUDNAVY Just to be sure, are you using the latest version of ODS 30AE ? It was uploaded last week and it also contains a fix for the cockpits of the F-14s. The previous version had them with broken VDI and other issues.

yes,the new version,so I think it's my problem,I'll check it,thanks for your work.this mod is great one,I love it

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5 hours ago, Menrva said:

@SUDNAVY Just to be sure, are you using the latest version of ODS 30AE ? It was uploaded last week and it also contains a fix for the cockpits of the F-14s. The previous version had them with broken VDI and other issues.

Now I know what the problem is. When I use 1920*1080 resolution, the size of these numbers is normal; when I use 3840*2160 resolution, these numbers will be weirdly enlarged, so that the display is completely abnormal. This is really a helpless error.


This is the display at 1920*1080 resolution, and the size of the numbers is completely normal.

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@SUDNAVY thank you for figuring out the cause of the issue. I'll investigate it further when time allows. Cheers! :drinks:

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Wow, upon further investigation, this turns out to be a bug of the stock game in regards to the scaling of the VDI Font in the avionics.ini. In fact, it also happens on the stock F-14 cockpit by ThirdWire. See comparison below, the bigger font happens on a 2k resolution, while it is displayed in correct size when using a 1k resolution.



So, we can add this to the list of issues of Strike Fighters 2 we have to live with. Thanks again to SUDNAVY for noticing this.

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