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Posts posted by marlin

  1. Saw this article today.



    Curious if anyone else is off the opinion that railguns and point defence lasers based on Warships will shift the balance of naval power back to Battleships/Cruisers?


    Ultimately currenct stealth aircraft technolgy is going to be defeated/rendered less effective as a method of avoiding radar detection at longer and longer ranges.


    Not to mention this from Lockheed Martin. 


    If it was from anyone else I would say bullshit.  But effectively we will have aircraft with unlimited ranges, apparently they are expecting a truck sized unit to power a town, so it won't be hard to hook one up to a jet engine, should this happen I have no doubt we will see hypersonic aircraft.


    Fusion reactors may also allow super cavitating submarines/underwater aircraft as well.


    Regardless of what happens the next 20 years are going to very interesting!!


  2. We need to created a coalition of Sunni arab nations to launch a ground war of isis in Iraq & then Syria once Iraq is secured.  This will assure Sunni's that we are not at war with them and help prevent Shiite miltia's from persecuting Sunni's.


    Also I reckon so called "Special Interrogation Techniques" teniques should be replaced by pulling out their beard hairs one by one with a pair of tweezers, I tried this on my own facial hair as I have to practically shave twice a day and I was sick of it, worst pain I have ever experienced, they are bloody almost half an inch long inside your skin.

  3. I have not been here for ages, but recently a tank muesum opened in my Town which I would like to share with the community here.  I've attached some photos sorry about the distortion is some of them I had the wrong lens on my camera on the day.



    It was awesome to see a T-72 in the flesh so to speak.  I had a former client who was a Vietnam vet who was a gunner in a Centurion who served in the 1st Armoured Regiment I used to think he was pulling my leg when he talked about driving through jungle terrain.  Most of the time they used canister rounds which where comprised of 1cm edged steel cubes instead of shot to increase the canister spread.  I didn't appreciate how big these tanks where until seeing one in person, some of the stories he told me of near misses of RPGs made me realise the guts these men had.  Despite this he was a normal bloke who had time for anyone.


    Anyway the highlight was seeing an SA-2 on truck carriage, I am unsure whether it would be lauched from this or it was purely a transporter, but the missile was huge, far larger then I had imagined, what I really found incrediable was that it was largely made from what looked like sheet metal.


    Hope everyone enjoys the pics!!







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  4. I am testing my J-8I but had some problems on adding armor.

    I added 4 mm(every side 4mm) of aluminum armor on each part of the plane,but when testing it I

    found that aircrafts in WOE are too "soft". The aircraft was hit by one 20mm shell of M61A1 from rear,

    and it exploded.

    I wonder whether additional armor is a must or just optional. And does the game engine sim the structure strength of the aircrafts correctly without "extra" armor defined in the .ini?


    I have read that in the aircombat in 1958,a J-5 was hit by around 100 12.7mm shells(fired by F-86s),

    but still returned to base. And a F-104C was hit by many 30mm shells before it exploded.

    These made me think that Jets is not easy to be shot down.But in WOE usually 1 to 2 hits can bring a plane down. And in some guncams(maybe) on youtube, MiG-21s caught fire and explode as soon as it was hit by the guns on Mirages.That really puzzles me. Is it relistic?


    So can anyone tell me that how much armor should I add to a plane and how realistic the default damage model is?


    By the way,I found that some planes for example F-4Gs can enter a spin ,and stalls when doing a sharp turn at low speed,but some others do not.Anyone tell me how to mod that? And is it possible to keep the shadows on ground but turn off the dynamic shadows on the plane?


    Many thanks.


    Hey 101fts I'm really looking forward to your J-8I can't wait for it actually. Anyway regarding armour yes adding it is definately a must to ALL aircraft I use 8mm of aluminium as standard for jets. You also you can use the strucatul factor line to increase an aircrafts toughness as well.


    Regarding the Migs in Korea its well known F-86s regularly expended their entire ammo load at a single Mig-15 with little or no effect (obviously not every bullet hit it!!) whereas a single hit from the 15s cannons was enough to do critical damage to a F-86. I recall reading somewhere on the net that a 15 landed suposedly landed with over 200 0.50cal holes in it during Korea. Moving on to Mig-21s being killed by Israeli mirages with a single hit there are several reason for this, firstly the Mirages where armed with 30mm cannons, the fuel tanks of the 21 are very exposed on the back and early/export models had no inert gas system so if you hit a mig pretty much anywhere on the top of the fuselarge and penetrated the fuel tanks a KABOOM would follow very quickly as the tanks would be full of air.


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