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File Comments posted by Caesar

  1. On 1/31/2020 at 6:55 PM, Musashi311 said:

    As always this pack is a amazing! Always a joy to fly my favorite plane but  I do have one question regarding the F-14D. Seeing how one of the A-6 Intruder mods can be used with Razbam's cockpit. Would it be possible to port over the F-14D cockpit from Dino Cattaneo's F-14 if he gave his permission?

    Glad you're enjoying the pack.  As to a different cockpit, you could probably drop a different one in, but I have no idea about how to port a cockpit to work in ThirdWire games from a different format/game.  

    • Like 1

  2. On 9/10/2019 at 7:55 PM, PhantomF4J said:

    F-14A+ never used AG weapons, F-14A and F-14B used AG weapons in 1995.


    The F-14A+ is the F-14B.  They are literally the same jet.  The designation "F-14A+" [or "F-14A(PLUS)"] was changed to F-14B in 1991 to avoid confusion.  

    On 9/24/2019 at 7:31 AM, Foxtrott said:

    No, i don't it. Thank you for your answer. I will install North Atlantic and look for this file.


    Avionics70.dll is available in all versions of SF2.  AvionicsF14A.dll is only available in North Atlantic.  The Avionics70.dll is only used in a strike version of the F-14D we kept in there as legacy content, and it doesn't have the same air-to-air capabilities as the rest of the pack, which uses AvionicsF14A.dll.  So, I believe the Avionics70 file should already be in your game if you installed North Atlantic.

  3. On 10/15/2018 at 3:26 PM, Adams said:

    Man where is ground radar are you joking thats an incomplete aircraft

    Only the APG-71 had synthetic aperture radar for air-to-ground; the AWG-9 equipped Tomcat had basic software, CCIP and rudimentary air-to-ground support, which is represented.  However, even with the APG-71, the game's avionics file that allows for the air-to-air modes used by the F-14 (AvionicsF14A.dll) does not allow for air-to-ground modes to be used.  Avionics70 does, but does not allow for true track-while-scan/multi-target engagement, so we used AvionicsF14A.  The problem is not the mod, it's how the game handles avionics.  If it ever gets updated (which I strongly doubt it will), and it allowed both the air-to-air and air-to-ground modes of the APG-71, you can bet we'd update the mod to add it.  As it stands, it cannot.

    • Like 1
  4. VF-33 F-14A (TMF F-14A_82)

       127    16



    We have VF-2 in its inaugural gloss gull grey scheme, correct colors as well as bureau numbers from 1974 and VF-41's from 1977 already in the Super Pack and in the Gulls Skin Pack.  File folder is VF2Inaug and VF41Inaug, skin names are: VF-2 "Bounty Hunters" Inaugural and VF-41 "Black Aces" Inaugural.  The drab colors are the VF2EN74 and VF41AJ76 folders.  We are missing VF-124, -142, and -143, in high-viz inaugural colors, however.


    That said, if you'd like to do your own VF-2 and -41, 1977Frenchie, go for it!  Love the Turkey skins!

  5. Can you make one that DOESN'T require SF2 NA?

    Not one that uses TWS in a correct manner!  Avionics70.dll has a basic TWS function, but it doesn't allow for multiple target designations, followed up by multiple AIM-54 shots.  I also don't know if the smooth wing animation, VDI functionality or "tape" HUD symbology (e.g. range, altitude) work without SF2:NA or AvionicsF14A.dll (I wouldn't think the wing animation would be affected by this).  What I will say is that the pack still includes the SAR-enabled F-14D, which uses Avionics70 (AvionicsF14A doesn't support the APG-70's SAR mode), so that one should work correctly without SF2:NA, but it also can't do multi-shot engagements with the Phoenix; it focuses more on the Strike role.

  6. How do I make the glove vane stretch?

    I'm guessing you mean deploy?  This is covered in the flight manual, but in F-14A_74, 82 and IR, the glove vane begins deploying at 1.35M and completes deployment at 1.45M.  So, to get them to come out, you have to be flying at beyond 1.35M in one of the three F-14As that have them active.

  7. We had been doing that before, but it caused confusion, so it was all consolidated.  However, this is a small fix.  All you have to do is change the engine thrust for each airframe.  If you don't want to re-download 1.31, simply adjust the following:


    For the TF30s:


    For the F110s:

  8. Bro AHM problem solved? or not?


    Glad you're excited; I'm guessing you're talking about RWR detection of an AHM radar separate from its launching aircraft's radar.  If so, no, because this is a core-game limitation, not a mod-related limitation, and cannot be fixed unless TK himself changes how the game handles missile radars vs. aircraft/ground-based radars.

    • Like 1

  9. This is odd, I tried using both Manual and with blowback, the wings seem to be tied with my flaps. When I retract flaps all the way it fully retracts my wings, doesn't make me crash but I sure accelerate quickly. Do I have to specify it to be an animation and not just a device, or is that even possible..? Or having to list each pivot stage as an animation? Tried using these lines in the ini. (I'm new to modding please bear with me lol)





    InputName=ANIMATION_1 <--- That's bounded to Shift+1 on default.



    I knew this was discussed in the past; just took me to remember to use the search function to find it.  Check this forum thread: http://combatace.com/topic/71353-manual-wing-sweep-in-on-the-f-14/?hl=%2Bmanual+%2Bwing+%2Bsweep.

  10. I've never actually tried to implement manual sweep, but what you'd change is the DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_MACH under each SwingWing entry in the data.ini to something else like MANUAL or MANUAL_WITH_BLOWBACK.  From there, I think you'd use the animation ID numbers (default SHIFT+1/2/3/4...etc.) to move the wings though I'm not sure which.

  11. Antares, the VDI command waypoint is not missing.  It is a small triangle on the VDI now.  The vertical bar was for TACAN, so we switched it with the correct symbol.  This is covered in the included flight manual.  As for the refueling probe, StrikeFighters only allows for a certain number of animations.  I believe all animations were used to provide the aircraft as-is, so you're not going to see a refueling probe, or the intake ramps moving, for that matter.

  12. TMF F-14 Tomcat Superpack

       7684    33

    Mr. Fox, you need to have Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic for AvionicsF14A.dll.  It MIGHT be included with the ThirdWire downloadable F-14's, but I haven't bought them, so I don't know.


    Johnthallane, I'm not sure what's going on with your drop tanks as I haven't run into that problem.  Check your loadout.ini against the F-14's tanks in the Weapons folder.  Could be a mismatch?  Or, try to re-copy the tanks from the zip file to your mod weapon folder.

  13. TMF F-14 Tomcat Superpack

       7684    33

    Why is max g set at 7? Was it lower or higher before? Does this put in a hard limit for not able to exceed 7g or is damage possible above 7g? Not a big issue as 6.5/7g at 330 kts is corner speed, but you should be able to hit 9g no problem and bleed speed like a barn door on the F-14A-it will just drive an extensive conditional inspection when it lands. The 6.5/7g limits were peacetime limits as were the speed restrictions, but we don't fly peacetime in this game do we?





    We set the g-limit to 7 and structural factors to 1.5 because the bird was breaking itself way too fast with 6.5g and 1.2SF. The Navy limit was 6.5g with no extra inspection necessary till 7.2g (at least according to the pilots I've spoken to), so a symmetric 7g turn would be considered within safe operating boundaries (bearing in mind weight). The aircraft will now safely do 9g without tearing itself apart, but push beyond 10 too many times and you're more likely to break the jet.


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