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Everything posted by Caesar

  1. Raptor Rusting ...

    I'd say it has more to do with the fact that the -37 can't see the Raptor...can't shoot what you can't see; maybe once it was WVR...while the Raptor could loose an AMRAAM what 40 miles from the -37 without being noticed? That's pretty good ownage there.
  2. Raptor Rusting ...

    You must construct additional pylons! I thought the Super Bug already ran into a problem with something in the wing which cuts into its airframe life. Not sure how far along troubleshooting is going on that.
  3. I'd personally love to see some BFM stills from the Raptor's pit on the other 80 occasions. Geez, we went from Turkey vs. Super Bug to the whole arsenal vs. itself!
  4. This is the pic, second of two; the Bug's pulling a lot of alpha, but that thing's dead center. Evidentally the controversy comes with the range, as to whether or not the Bug was inside the minimum engagement range. The first pic has him at 900 feet, this one at 1000, so IDK what the final decision was, but he was centered in the gunsight.
  5. The pic was at Alert 5; F-22 dead center in the gunsight of a VFA-11 F/A-18 Super Bug. Good luck finding it now, it was a while ago, but in fact at least once the Raptor got beat by a Bug in BFM. I was pretty surprised to see that myself...
  6. Seriously man, you put a lot of work into it, don't kill your project. There's actually a few different a/c with multiple models; immediately to mind is the Tornado and the A-7. Keep up the good work, they look great (both of 'em)!
  7. He's all over the place, 900 feet up to 1300 feet...what an a** hole!
  8. Get that finger outta your ear, you don't know where that finger's been!
  9. I haven't really noticed a problem with the AI; those bastards will start flinging missiles and bullets at me left, right and center every chance they get, no matter what energy state or angle or manouver I'm in! I may have installed the uber AI, but I can't recall and odds are I have if the normal AI supposedly only fires when the target is in a straight line return flight.
  10. Must've been just that; I withdraw my statement and will be sure to re-check facts next time.
  11. Haha, I'd support you for that, but by 2028 that 'Cat would have to have one hell of a face lift! (Probably look like that navalized F-22, the NATF everyone was talkin' bout.)
  12. Go to the data.ini, add SystemName[xxx]=InternalGun ^Where the system is to be employed: nose, wing root, etc. using the model name. If you wanted it in the fuselage, it'd be in the [Fuselage] section of data.ini. And where [xxx] is the number of the system. If it's the 13th system to that part of the plane, it'd be: SystemName[013]=InternalGun Further down, before or after the weapon stations, add: [internalGun] SystemType= <---The gun type, usually FIXED_GUN GunTypeName= <---The gun, if you want an M-61, it'd be 20MM_M61A1 InputName= <---Needed to fire the gun: FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition= <---The muzzle position in X,Y,Z coords on the model LightPosition= <---Where the effect comes from, usu same as muzzle position AimAngles= <---Not sure, but again, X,Y,Z coord format MaxAmmo= <---Maximum internal ammo EjectShells= <--Either TRUE or FALSE, if its an internal gun, it is probably FALSE (in the M-61's case it is FALSE) MinExtentPosition= <---Not necessary MaxExtentPosition= <---Not necessary Hope this helps.
  13. Had the Navy gone with the Quickstrike Tomcat, they'd have finally had an adequate replacement for the A-6 in terms of strike load and range, they would have had an equivalent in strike capacity to the Strike Eagle, and it would have been a highly advanced, cutting edge piece of machinery, as it would have been a new build frame with the latest avionics and electronics suites. Buuuuuuuuuuuut... IIRC, at that cost, it would have also been a very limited buy, and in the big picture, cut capability just based on limited numbers. If anything, a continued "D" buy would have been a better choice than going with the Super Bug, considering that even the decades-old "A" had been doing a stellar job at the strike role, and the Tomcat kept getting upgrades up to and including its last cruise. As for maintenance, this summer I came to learn at my FTU that the Strike Eagle averages 70hrs/flight hr, compared to the worst Cat's 50hr/flthr, and that the legacy Bugs are catching up. As airframes age, they take longer to maintain. Newer 'Cat buys to replace the old frames could have cut that time down. Still, all of this is a moot point, as, if you want to see a 'Cat now, it'll either be a shell or in the hands of Iran. Do I think we should have gone with more 'Cats? Damn straight. Did we? No.
  14. Concur; the F-14A+ ended up getting renamed F-14B after a while, but it is the same exact plane. The original F-14B from 1973 never saw production, but IIRC, there ended up being confusion between designating A, A+ and B (the latter two being the same plane,) so eventually, F-14A+ was changed to F-14B.
  15. Potentially, though not for a long time, and it wouldn't be a very cost effective combat system. I think a big problem with computers and robots is that we, humans, have to design and program them. None of them will ever be able to "think" outside the box until we figure out a way to make them. Part of it, in my own opinion, is a lack of inputs. Look at us: we have 5 senses and evolved over billions of years from far simpler organisms within this universe to become "intelligent," able to adapt to many input values: we need food, so we hunt, and hunting comprises of its own inputs for each animal: where is it, what can and can not kill it, how receptive is it to sounds and images, etc. With a robot, the only inputs it recognizes are those which we program it to recognize. Hence we get robots that can follow waypoints, target things that look similar to pre-stored images; a massive advancement in and of itself, but still primitive with relation to human beings. It can't think on its own. If you wanted a combat robot to go out and pick up a case of beer, it couldn't do it without major program changes or additions. A robot does not "feel," it does not recognize right from wrong, and is still mostly in its own universe of 1's and 0's. It has to be shown our universe with programs and outside I/O devices. On the second note, a giant robot is not a very cost-effective system. When you consider how much time, effort and resources are used to make that robot, and then that we've got weapons today that will blast through concrete bunkers no problem and descimate them in the explosion, I'd wonder how well a 100-billion dollar+ robot would stand up to a 40,000-dollar bomb, or maybe 4, totalling 1/833333rd the cost to destroy the thing. So, it'd certainly be cool, but how effective cost-wise to combat-wise is questionable. So, is it possible? Once someone figures out a way to get the robot to recognize our world well enough, and to make its own decisions once powered up, I'd say so, but when will that happen? Not for a while.
  16. I think this is from the F-14/MiG-23 engagement. Someone had this sound for the irgrowl uploaded before; it's my standard, but the irgrowllock sound is the higher pitched almost siren-sounding...sound...if you listen to the engagement you'll know what i mean. I've just got 'em on back up and haven't seen them online anywhere for a long time.
  17. Semper Fi Marine!, but not in their town........

    "For among other evils that being unarmed brings you...it causes you to be despised and this is one of those ignominies against which a prince ought to guard himself" -Niccolo Machiavelli Hey, let's all just get along, save the whales, hug a tree, do some mind altering drugs and get addicted to the smell of our own farts! Sounds like a wonderful idea! I swear, that wretched city friggin ticks me off. Sadly, the fact is that if no one were allowed those opinions, we wouldn't live in a free country, and soldiers die so that these people can spit on them. Si diabolus eos in istis urbe aufert, patria noster meliorem erit! IMHO.
  18. They certainly look good, but if you could fill me in, I have no idea where they're from???
  19. That's amazing...now the burning question I have may be answered; who would win, Tomcat or Dire Wolf (Daishi)?
  20. We're...

    I say, anyone for tennis?
  21. OMG This is Funny.....

    I'm at a loss for words...but considering the circumstances and parties involved, I don't feel too surprised either...
  22. We're...

    Would you uh....would you like to come back to my place? ...*shifty eyes*...all right...

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