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Everything posted by WitchyWoman

  1. I sorted it out, and thanks for info. It was because the unit Id didn't match in both ini's. I had to set both to 053, so you can see above that one was labeled "54".
  2. Not sure why the forum crosses out my text but its not like this in my files so disregard that.
  3. The game is in bad need of AI control infantry given this is tank warfare, they play a key part and are jut as much of a threat.
  4. WW1 Board Games

    I am just curious if anyone else is a geek here and played any of these games? I may be outnumbered by the boys here but you can thank my dad and older brother for getting me interested in military history many years ago. I have fond memories of my older brother john playing Squad Leader or Mosby's Raiders. My dad was into Avalon hills Air Force and Richtofen's War. My first board game experience was with RPG's like Shadowrun and Battletech in the FASA days but I got into Dawn Patrol which is a WW1 air war board game and RPG. I even rolled up a Snoppy flying Camels. (laughs) Dawn Patrol is so much fun that it can still be seen played at many Gamecons. I also got into several games like AMBUSH! and a WW1 Zeppelin solitaire game that came out a few years ago called Zeppelin Raider........... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/256939/zeppelin-raider-imperial-german-naval-airships , this company is also working on a WW1 aircraft version of this game as we speak. There are a few women out here who appreciate these board games and simulators.
  5. WW1 Board Games

    You may want to have a look at this site, there is several free updates to download and mods for the game and many others. Its a wealth of info for board games. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/69136/bloody-april-1917-air-war-over-arras-france/files
  6. WW1 Board Games

    This game you mention has gotten really good reviews. I have had my eye on it for awhile.
  7. WOFF Discord?

    I have it bu barely use it other then when I am forced to update a mod for some other sim like DCS. 99% of the time I leave it off. I prefer forums and steam for communication. I find most people I know on discord seldom use it either. Its just another thing to install and monitor.
  8. WW1 Board Games

    I had to pre-order this one. It's solitaire and looks really good. There are previews of counters and the map... This was originally a buy and print yourself game but its gotten an update and been picked up by a publisher. https://www.legionwargames.com/legion_AOV.html
  9. MODS release

    Pack 4.0 is not in the skin section on the mods site?
  10. WW1 Board Games

    Its funny you mention Phantom leader because I bought Apache leader (pilot ah-64's, ah-6, OV-10, etc) earlier this year which uses the same kind of rules but enhances them for helicopter combat. Got it during a Covid sale, plus two of the expansions. Was really happy to see some women in the pilot cards in the mix. I have yet to put some time into it and learn the system. I think my dad had piles of GHQ minatures. His tanks and halftracks an stuff came in blister packs, like platoon size (4-6 vehicles). That stuff cost a fortune and it was tiny.
  11. WW1 Board Games

    There is a play-test of Western Front Ace, from the looks of the beta it looks nice. This one is out pretty soon, I think before the end of the year. Its a solitaire game (1 player) and uses rules like AH's old B-17 game. https://theplayersaid.com/2019/08/19/interview-with-gregory-m-smith-designer-of-western-front-ace-the-great-war-in-the-air-1916-1918-from-compass-games/
  12. WW1 Board Games

    What did that aircraft fleet cost? The old blister packs of ral partha and other branded metal miniatures were not cheap. I'm sure there was a lot of repetitive painting but it pays off. I used to volunteer time at a game shop, painting War hammer and DUST miniatures. I've seen a few places that offer 3d printed stuff, I may have to look into that for some of my needs. I been thinking about investing in a 3d printer as well. I have a few friends that make models and DIY household stuff with theirs, pretty handy. They aren't that expensive.
  13. MODS release

    Thats an awesome paint scheme.
  14. WW1 Board Games

    LOL My dad used to get so pissed off having a week long squad leader battle all over the dining table, huge battle 100's of counters, only to have one of the cats get up on top and nuke the table.
  15. WW1 Board Games

    Oh no TSR made quite a few war and sci fi games, they remade a lot of SPI games. Made the counters more colorful, upgraded rules, etc. Its nice to know we got some board gamer's here, I thought we did.Me and few other women here in my state get together at a few gamecons (before the pandemic ruined everything) and on some weekends for a glass of wine and gaming. Its far from a dead hobby, Felicia Day is a big board gamer. Whil Wheaton from Star Trek fame hosts a board game show called tabletop which can be found on popular video sites and sometimes Felicia appears on the show. Simulators and video games are great but they don't give your brain as much of a workout and nothing beats a table of friends so I still do it. Here is another solitaire WW1 tactical air war game coming out soon that I have had my eye on. If you haven't got people to play those two player board games, there are tons of solitaire ones out there now for one player. Also battletech is going stong, Fasa was bought out and the new company has made modules and streamlined some bad rules. Multiman bought out Avalon Hills ASL system and continues to make modules. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/294112/western-front-ace-great-war-air-1916-1918
  16. If you look on SimHQ for a thread by me several years ago about joysticks in WOFF. You will see I had a problem with the Saitek X56 throttle not being recognized in WOFF. I was able to do a workaround and got it to work. It may be helpful to you or someone else in the future. Even though your using a Thrustmaster product it could be a similar issue. https://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/4486605/Searchpage/1/Main/421500/Words/%2Bsaitek/Search/true/throttle-issues-anyone-else-use-a-saitek-x56#Post4486605
  17. Squadron disappeared

    I had to forward a week, made for some good solo balloon busting missions though.
  18. I have run into problem I installed defense missions and standard mission mod and for some reason I have no wingmen now and I am no longer a part of a flight anymore. Seems I am stuck flying solo unless I enable assigned wingmen in options, then I have one assigned wingman but thats it. Its as if the whole squadron is grounded and never spawns at mission start and the pre-flight list of pilots for the flight is blank, yet hey are shown in the squadron list along with assigned plane. What happened to my game? None of my other saved campaigns on other pilots have this problem. Its a pilot I created with Jasta 20 in 1916
  19. Wish List for WOFF BH&H II

    Artillery and recon missions is an excellent idea. I would laso like to see some aircraft like the Morane bullet, Gunbus, the Hansa Brandenburg seaplane (a favorite), Felixstowe F.2A , and Hanriot HD.2. I think seaplanes need some love , add ship attack missions and spotting fleets. Maybe even Guynemers cannon equipped Spad.
  20. Squadron disappeared

    Thanks guys, just glad its normal and not a broken install.
  21. Squadron disappeared

    Yes its annoying, also testing out the plane after overhauls. I did a reinstall so there should be no trace of the mod missions now and 3rd party is off.
  22. Squadron disappeared

    I think my problem is this, at least two units, jasta 23 and 2 (1916) seem to be forming up but this seems to go on for a week now. Also they are listed as under strength. So I am stuck flying solo and no one else is flying, is this normal? Seems any allied unit I fly with does not have this problem. Never seen this happen before and I did a fresh install.
  23. Squadron disappeared

  24. Squadron disappeared

    That explains nothing.

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