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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. Yet the SyAAF skin works for AI squadrons. Oh well, I'll figure something out. Maybe the player's will just have to be the default Soviet Silver. Looks better anyway.
  2. Well in MiG-21PFM.ini I have this: [TextureSet011] Directory=SyAAFCamo1 Name=Syrian Camo Nation=Syria StartDefaultDate=7/1967 Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE I changed Syria to Paran, but it resets after I start the program each time. And I know the skin exists for that plane because when I play a quick mission I can select it. Could it have anything to do with the order of squadrons in CAMPAIGN.INI vs CAMPAIGN_DATA.INI ? I should mention that unit 14 is the first Parani squadron. Everything above is Dhimari.
  3. Version 1.0


    Europe 1963: Red Thunder 2 A nice tweak to the stock Red Thunder campaign. With the new MirageIII and Lightning interceptors, I was getting bored of the same old "Kill the Il-28 Beagles" missions. So, I added several wings of Tu-16 for the Soviets, a couple of wings of Tu-22, as well as a few more units of fighters. For the West, we get a few USMC wings (A-4C, F-4B F-8C), the USAF gets the F-104G (make it flyable, its easy!), and the F-4C. One of the Lightning wings will be upgraded to the F3 early in the campaign as well. MirageIIIC makes a big appearance as well. I chose 1963 for this campaign because the F-104G was available, the USAF introduced the Phantom, and the Supersonic Tu-22 had just entered service. I could also sneak the Lightning F3 in. To install, simply extract the CAMPAIGNS folder (or its content if it already exists) into the desired SF2 file in your saved games folder in My Documents. Seems fine with July2011 update so far. Required: SF2 Europe +Expansion2 , SF2 Vietnam , SF2 Israel Recommended : Stary's CE terrain update, Flyable F-104G, MirageIIIC(DLC) How to Flyable F-104G --> http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/
  4. File Name: Europe 1963: Red Thunder 2 File Submitter: arthur666 File Submitted: 12 July 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Missions and Campaigns Europe 1963: Red Thunder 2 A nice tweak to the stock Red Thunder campaign. With the new MirageIII and Lightning interceptors, I was getting bored of the same old "Kill the Il-28 Beagles" missions. So, I added several wings of Tu-16 for the Soviets, a couple of wings of Tu-22, as well as a few more units of fighters. For the West, we get a few USMC wings (A-4C, F-4B F-8C), the USAF gets the F-104G (make it flyable, its easy!), and the F-4C. One of the Lightning wings will be upgraded to the F3 early in the campaign as well. MirageIIIC makes a big appearance as well. I chose 1963 for this campaign because the F-104G was available, the USAF introduced the Phantom, and the Supersonic Tu-22 had just entered service. I could also sneak the Lightning F3 in. To install, simply extract the CAMPAIGNS folder (or its content if it already exists) into the desired SF2 file in your saved games folder in My Documents. Seems fine with July2011 update so far. Required: SF2 Europe +Expansion2 , SF2 Vietnam , SF2 Israel Recommended : Stary's CE terrain update, Flyable F-104G, MirageIIIC(DLC) How to Flyable F-104G --> http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/ Click here to download this file
  5. I had that weird double external fueltank thing as well. I had extracted the data.ini and put it in the folder to add a new engine sound, but deleting the data.ini fixed the fuel tank thing. So, stock engine noise for me, for now.
  6. In RL the A-10 has a very distinctive whine from those big turbofans. Has anyone made the proper sound file yet? I remember when I was a kid, we'ld spend some time down at Myrtle Beach SC. Hogs where always flying low over the strand. I still remember that noise.
  7. Thanks yall! I loaded it up and it sounds great. How can I use the GAU8 sound?
  8. So, with the June2011 update, I can't extract Aircraft_data.ini files so I can add a new engine sound to any stock aircraft. Is there a work-around?
  9. GermanyCE enhanced tileset

    Thank you so much! A nice improvement. Europe is my favorite map again!
  10. AV-8A Harrier for SF2

    Thank you all. This is alot better than the AV-8A I tried to cobble together.
  11. SF2 A-6E VA-85 Black Falcons for Third Wire A-6 Intruder

    Wow thanks! I needed this!
  12. If I leave it out of the Campaign_data.ini fields, does it make it so the air unit never changes bases, or will always change bases as needed? How exactly does it work?
  13. Wow, this terrain is totally beautiful. Thanks! Have you released the smaller trees version yet?
  14. Nice plane. I downloaded the new cockpit pack with avionics changes, and this thing looks great in SF2 except it has no afterburner flames. How can I get that to work?
  15. File Name: Desert Duel 1981: Paran vs Dhimar, no foreign forces File Submitter: arthur666 File Submitted: 04 March 2011 File Category: User Made Campaigns Desert Duel: June 1, 1981. After the war in 1975, Dhimar has become the undisputed greater economic power in the region. With their increased wealth due to rising oil prices the Dhimari decide to invest in a stronger millitary to counter the ever-looming threat of their southern neighbors. Seeing that Dhimar is purchasing new advanced weaponry such as F-16 fighters and new Sidewinder "L" missiles, Paran launches a full scale attack on the Kingdom of Dhimar before they can continue the military buildup with stronger ground forces. Divisions of Parani troops and heavy armor are rolling north under a cloud of MiGs. The Dhimari military is scrambling to repel the onslaught. Their new hardware is about to be put to the ultimate test. Nothing groundbreaking or terribly creative here. This is a simple campaign, based on the stock Desert Fury campaign with mostly stock aircraft. I wanted a Paran vs Dhimar campaign with no foreign forces. Fly Dhimari aircraft including the MirageIII & 5, F-4E, A-4, F-16A, Kfir, Lightning and F-104. I've enjoyed playing this campaign, and maybe someone else will too. Requirements : StrikeFighters 2 Strikefighters 2 Israel Strikefighters 2 Europe Optional: (included) Flyable F-104G, files by Thirdwire for SF1, thanks to Wrench for "how to" in Combatace.com forum. ...also, in my personal install I opened the .ini files for each Israeli aircraft and changed the names from the Hebrew to the American (ex. Netz to Falcon, Kurnass to Phantom, Nesher to Mirage5). It's really personal preference and just a suggestion. Click here to download this file
  16. Cool! I've had fun flying the F-104 in this one. The AIM-9L makes it a force to be reckoned with, even in 1981. But if you can get a gun kill against a MiG-21 in a Starfighter, you feel like you've worked for something. Plus, it climbs like a scalded squirrel! Now, if there was only a good Arabic speech pack, it would be complete.
  17. when I add new air units to my campaign, what do I need to pay attention to regarding the the 2 .INI files? Do all nations need to be together? I've noticed that if I add one to the end of the list and make it flyable, it acts weird. Also, do they need to be in alpha-numerical order by squadron# ?
  18. Alternative Overcast Layer for the SF2 Series

    A nice improvement. I don't think your screenshot does the underside justice. Looks WAY better than stock. Thanks!
  19. Just made a Desert 1981 campaign with the Kitty Hawk off shore. Will the Paran airforce ever attack it?
  20. I like that rumor. I read Red Storm Rising when I was a kid, and I missed out on Fleet Defender. Maybe I'll get a second chance. :)
  21. I was thinking of making a similar campaign, and found this thread. Mine will use all stock aircraft from the 4 main titles and one from the 2nd expansion. I just took the '75 campaign, bumped it up to 1981, and am giving Dhiram some F-16A Netz (desert camo) and some Shahak_71, A-4 Ahit (nice desrt camo as well), plus using the Mirage5D, flyable with Nesher pit. And then there's that nice new Lightning F.53 . Paran is getting some of their '21s upgraded to '23s, and maybe a few more squadrons to deal with the better aircraft on the other side. I'll let yall know how it turns out.
  22. FIXED!!! In the stock CAMPAIGNE1_DATA.INI file, the Mirage was called "MirageIIIC". The proper name is "Mirage3C". I don't know if it was a mistake on TK's part, or he was using it as a placeholder. Anyways, now may fav plane is flyable in my fav campaign. I appreciate the help.

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