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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. This is really groundbreaking in my opinion. I wonder if we could make a DIANE system like this?
  2. Did you try without renaming folder/ini? I don't think that is true. All US military designations are in the public domain as they are technically owned by the people. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. Hmm... that worked for me. Changing "FALSE" to "TRUE" is the only thing I did, except, I had installed the pit from http://combatace.com...-sf2-by-supgen/ over the old TW pit. BTW, haven't played with pit positioning yet. Maybe Wrench could post his findings? BTWBTW, the FM data I got was from the F-104J from pappychksix.
  4. Post your first section of Miragexx.ini . Maybe you overlooked something. [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Mirage 5E2 AircraftShortName=Mirage 5 AircraftDataFile=Mirage5E2_data.ini LoadoutFile=Mirage5E2_Loadout.ini UserList=Mirage5E2_UserList.ini CockpitDataFile=Mirage5BA_cockpit.INI LoadoutImage=Nesher_loadout.TGA HangarScreen=Nesher_hangar.JPG LoadingScreen=Nesher_Loading.JPG AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.DLL AvionicsDataFilename=Mirage5BA_avionics.INI
  5. @macelena, I tried this experiment: Take the new F-104 to 400kts @2000ft while running due North. Roll left 90*, then pull stick all the way back and make the tightest loop you can back to due North, while timing yourself. Now, try it in the stock TW Netz. The F-104 wins. That can't be right. Found an old F-104J DATA.INI that was based on the old stock F-104G(I think it was changed recently?), and copied all of the surface data to new .INI files. Here's the "A". It feels better to me. Fun to fly but can't out-turn a Viper! F-104A_DATA.zip
  6. Yes, you're right. I guess Qaddafi had been in power long enough to get good 'n' kooky by then.
  7. Il-28 Beagle cockpit

    You just made me WANT to fly the Beagle. That sight is just so cool.
  8. Can't have too many Mirages! Isn't the Libyan roundel for the '70s a green dot? This is what I'm getting:
  9. New Mirage 5SDE. MirageIIIO pit seems like the best choice.
  10. Hmm... Just took the F-104C_61 out for a spin. Felt more agile than I remembered the "G" model being, so went back and tried that. Felt the same, but no updates to the G data in the last patch. I mention this because in a quick CAP, I was flying circles around some MiG-21, getting 2 gun kills easily. I remember the Starfighter being a real handful for me in a fight against a Fishbed. This felt more like a Viper. Maybe my imagination. I was able to hold sustained turns while holding the stick all the way back. Maybe some FM tweaking or just copy/paste from the F-104A/C pack is in order. Anyone else? And yeah, it's not a legit complaint. I know the plane is supposed to be "AI only".
  11. ^ Also, the MirageIIIO is probably the most "original" DLC. And a pretty cool plane to boot.
  12. @Siddogg Some of your old Hornet A skins tweaked for the latest FA-18: I love them. @Migbuster: New flightdecks are phenominal. @Heck: The clouds from NATO Fighters rock!
  13. Kitty Hawk Class Carrier (CVA-63) Hi Res

  14. http://www.wral.com/uk-bound-pakistan-plane-diverted-2-men-arrested/12481244/
  15. Some F-35 things

    Exactly. Who needs a gun when you have an AIM-9X ?
  16. Typhoon scrambled, plane diverted, 2 men arrested

    Geez, yall be careful over there. Thanks RAF!
  17. Main role of the F-15E?

    E's are used for CAS in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  18. I just grabbed the one out of the latest NATO Fighters pack. Works fine.
  19. Very cool. And there's already a spot reserved for the G in the stock Northern Sabre campaign.
  20. EDIT: nevermind.... I was mistaken about wing slats. That texture detail of the deck looks great. Obligatory shot:
  21. @Migbuster: Ya fixed it? Just .ini edits?
  22. The beautiful and oft-overlooked (at least by me), stock Mirage5F, made flyable with Nesher or Mirage5BA cockpit. Could really use a DLC treatment w/squadron markings etc.
  23. Su-25

    I must ask... is a new 'pit planned?

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