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About Mr_Tayto

  1. VF-143, my F-4 squadron for Rolling Thunder. For the first time I'm plsying as Dhimari forces in the first campaign. Having fun, too.
  2. ODS is amazing, for modern 4th gen aircraft if that's what you're into. Agree with Eric that you really have to get the full merged install to make everything work as it should though. As a 'nam guy I'd been only playing the Vietnam campaigns for ages, started the Dhimar/Paran campaigns and they're a lot of fun!
  3. Finally got around to sorting out my controls for ODS, and now I get to fly the one plane I was obsessed with as a youngster following the War on TV: the Buccaneer! Got some nice air combat shots, too.
  4. Thanks @Erik Just trying it with file unlocked solved my problem, just had to change flap activation! Almost forgot to mention; RWR doesn't seem to work on my F14? I was getting audible spikes fine, but no symbology on the actual visual set. It did work when I flew the jaguar earlier.
  5. Hi Folks, I have a couple of issues with controls on ODS. The first and most major issue is that my throttle (X-56) never "saves" as the controller for this axis. It is detected by the game but when I start campaign, it always reverts to keyboard. The Stick, also an X-56, works perfectly, however. There are also a few commands I'm used to with the base game which are not in ODS (such as "select ground" for primary target, which, having played one mission already, seems crucial as one target in Baghdad looks the same as any other and there is no range to waypoint display in the Jaguar cockpit). I had a brainwave since I started this post, that the file might be read only, and it was. Could this be the reason? Is there anything to stop me copying and pasting my SF2V controls ini to my ODS folder, as my HOTAS is configured correctly for this already?
  6. Unless you mean mods and conversions. In which case it comes down to what you want to fly, brother.
  7. I often find I have almost too much choice with SF2. I will be dipping toes in Korea again over the next week, but I fancied some Steel Tiger first:
  8. We don't need Expansion 3 when we have the phenomenal ODS and Wings over Korea total conversions. There are others too numerous to mention by name.
  9. Yeah I'm a bit scared of that (and getting them all in the right place). I can just about manage mod installation! I appreciate it man. I might just hold back for now. It doesn't affect the acquisition of targets, so it's no biggie for me.
  10. I've run out of reactions, but thanks.
  11. I'll have a look for the HUD mod I think.
  12. All good points, and I do understand that. Unfortunately, being a game, SF2 registers "success" or "failure" on whether or not you destroy arbitrary targets, not on a post strike assessment or by the success of the strike package in attacking its target without incurring too many losses. Suppression, in real life, doesn't necessarily mean destroying the enemies assets, but tying them up while someone else gets in and does their job. In this way, fighter escort missions works correctly in the game, because success is determined by a %age of escorted aircraft hitting waypoints, rather than the escorts shooting down targets. I have passed several escort missions without firing a shot. So I guess I should just do my best and hit what I can. Wingmen are usually a lot more aggressive and precise at hitting SEAD targets than I can ever be, in any case. And as for RWR... I'm still in 1965 anyway
  13. Cool, thanks. Weirdly, I don't seem to have an "Avionics.ini" in my aircraft folders?
  14. Hey all, I've been practicing in The Range deploying a few different weapons types to try to prepare myself for the inevitable SEAD missions as a 105 driver, but I still have a few questions. - How does one deploy CBU24 without CCIP? Is shallow diving preferred? Given I'm attacking AAA I don't want to get too close to the guns but I have the best results against inert targets in the range in a shallow dive releasing under 3000ft, which is danger close for low calibre weapons. - Is it better to drop two at once until Winchester, or single bombs per target? - Finally, I have graduated(!) to flying without the HUD now I'm comfortable with the instruments in all aircraft. However this makes SEAD very difficult in terms of rendering targets. A good example of this is SAM sites; these are not displayed in game as they were in real life, with obvious "star of David" patterned installations. Often, the first time you see one is the launch tail. It's even worse for gun sites, where you can have a momentary flash or a puff of smoke, but you have to be very low to even see the smoke let alone the gun, and I'm trying to operate above 6000ft until making a run. Any Vietnam guys have any ideas on the above. Before it's mentioned I have seen every Devin Horner video and I still need help!

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