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Posts posted by OlWilly

  1. Su-35S cockpit by Insky, light update

    A light overhaul of old Su-35S cockpit by Insky. Sadly, it is of lower fidelity than Su-27SKM cockpit from YeYeYe which is often used for modern Su-27 derivatives, but it follows the general layout of Su-35S cockpit and is worth a try. Updated textures, sorted out various indication and HUD, some other small fixes. 

    It is tailored for Su-35S by GKAB, but could be adapted for any other aircraft. 

    Caution: there is no "launch authorized" indication on the HUD, not possible to add it with resources I have - it will be displayed on the radar.

    Real Su-35 pipes both radar and RWR information straight to the HUD, which is not possible to recreate in SF2 engine - so we have what we have. 

    To install, delete original files in Su-35 folder and put new ones inside


  2. Well, took me a while to figure it out properly

    The set-up has two nodes. Outer node is basically for decoration (or, so to say, to imitate the actual SPO-10), in Stary's cockpits it's usually called "RWR_front".

    This node calls TGA texture, and it is in TGA format to allow transparency. The holes are placed where the lights should be. Better seen on a screenshot in the post from May.

    The actual RWR node is the hidden node inside (here, called simply "RWR"). It calls BMP or JPG texture, and it should look the same as the outer texture. 

    All of this is already done in the cockpit model, no changes to textures are necessary so I just explain how it works. 

    Thus, in cockpit ini:


    In avionics ini:


    This way, the RWR node works just as a regular 3_ring RWR, showing the general direction of the radiation. The goal is to find proper position so the light will align with aforementioned holes and will be seen outside. Position=0.60 works fine 

    Then, the size should be adjusted so the lights are big enough to be seen from outside - if you make them too small you won't see anything most of the time. Size=0.7 works fine

    I did increase the number of transparent holes on TGA texture from 4 to 8 for testing, but it is not necessary  - the actual SPO-10 had only four (this is where Stary pit is correct and MiG-21 version is not.), so I returned them back. 

    As a bit of trivia, the actual SPO-10 worked in a way that:

    - the lights show you the direction of radiation, white color only

    - the frequency of beeping tells you how close the threat is (faster beeping - closer threat)

    - continuous beeping means you are locked

    - not sure for what purpose the red lights are, either range or launch warning 

    Most of this is not possible inside the game's engine, so we multicolored RWR would be good enough. 


    TLDR - just check the correct paths and names for all textures, Position=0.60 and Size=0.7



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  3. 5 hours ago, GKABS said:

    But do you believe that they hit target from 1000 Kilometers with accuracy??? 

    Why not? GNSS really changed a lot.

    Back then accuracy sucked because of imprecise INS navigation and limited radar ground lock capabilities on such missiles (missiles like Kh-22 are notorious for having a massive CEP)

    With GNSS, 25m CEP at any ranges is just easy

  4. 2 hours ago, bazillius said:

    When i say "Painful" i mean everyday desturbing my sleeping. Effecrivness of Iranian drones is zero. Only mental. You wake up not fresh. I think thhese cruise missiles arethe same shit. Shahed - 136 , Grad Partizan etc the weapon of civilian terror, not the weapon in classic meanin. The target of this shit is not point, is not wehicle is not electrick station. The targrt is town itsels.  Its like a bomb with nails in the underground station. Psychological effect but not military casulties. They are vert annoing but thats not gamechanging weapon. The same with all other missiles i have seen.

    Shaheds could definitely hit their targets. 

    Reni port: …faceofwar/32682

    SBU headquarters: …faceofwar/31977

    Ammo depot: …faceofwar/32548

    And so on. And they are fairly hard to intercept while being dirt cheap.

    Although those are Russian Geran-2 drones which are derived from Shahed-136 but have some local changes. 

    I think Saudis should start getting nervous right now. If Iran gives enough Shaheds to Yemenis, they could literally cripple Saudi oil production and ruin their economy.

    Imagine Abqaiq–Khurais strike but on country wide scale  


  5. 13 hours ago, bazillius said:

    Delete your Iranian version of Su-35 in a trashcan (Joke ! Thats the nice skin!) They can lie. Or it isanother reason: Russia is not capable of making the Su-35 amymore. A few years ago I was surprised that Egypt bought the MiG-29M2 (2017 if i remember right). For what? Why? who will serve them?  They would ask me, and I would advise them to buy ... Whatever they sell, then buy instead of Russian aircraft. We will not see Russian weapons anymore.

    Su-35 are still produced like before. The last batch was in July:




    Iran's reluctance to buy more Su-35s comes from the really stupid statement of Russian diplomats:


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  6. MiG-25 cockpit fixes (actual MiG-25 cockpit by Centurion-1)

    MiG-25PD cockpit by Centurion-1 with fixes 

    Notable fixes include: 

    - removed gunsight. 25 doesn't really need it, most of the footage shows 25s without gunsight

    - fixed G-meter: added negative Gs and redid the layout to be more in line with the real thing 

    - original model actually had airspeed indicator and altimeter confused - this was corrected. Altimeter is above (shorter needle shows thousands, longer hundreds, plus analogue counter), airspeed indicator is below (likewise - shorter needle shows thousands, longer hundreds)

    - fixed vertical velocity indicator. It wasn't working due to "values" being put in the wrong order (could be that it was working on older patches)

    - fixed compass and course arrow. They were calling non-existing nodes

    - added over-G and too much AoA lights above G-meter: not sure if realistic, but will do

    - added afterburner light near nozzle indicator

    - removed some lights and switch animations: they are cute, but very incorrect 

    - MiG-25PD version gets new radar layout taken from MiG-23 radar: it makes sense as PD radar "Sapphire-25" was developed from "Sapphire-23" on MiG-23

    - can't do anything about warning lights and gear/flaps indicators not working - cockpit model just lacks any light nodes 

    - added some labels on instruments 


    Install: remove old cockpit folder, *cockpit and *avionics files, drop in new ones, rename accordingly. 

    Cockpit versions:
    25P - for MiG-25P
    25PD - for MiG-25PD/PDS

    25PD uses avionics70 dll! Make sure to address it in the init file:


    25PD is tuned for MiG-25PD from Coyote Airspace. It is easily adaptable for older versions of PD/PDS, just change position values in *cockpit file. 


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  7. 1 hour ago, FLOGGER23 said:

    So, I invite you to join the painstaking world of modding my friend, and help us have more toys to play with...

    Sure. If I will still be around when the package will be getting ready for release, pass me cockpits for checking. YEYEYE makes great cockpits, but usually with lots of misspellings in Russian labels, plus some instrumentation may be wrong due to translations issues 

  8. On 16.07.2023 at 5:27 AM, bazillius said:

    Pity we have no script and compiler to edit and mix avionic dlls

    It is possible, but requires someone with extensive knowledge of dll libraries.

    Also I recon the administration of the site doesn't want such things as they will annoy SF developer. So if this happens, someone has to host modified files away from Combatace

  9. On 15.07.2023 at 7:43 PM, simonmiller416 said:

    If I was flying a multirole fighter like the F-35 or F-18, I wouldn't be willing to make compromises

    In the environment of SF2 engine, TWS mode is more important than ground mapping feature.

    Ground mapping is mostly for eye candy while TWS allows the proper use of missiles like AMRAAM, R-77, R-37 or Meteor. It makes no sense flying something modern if you still have to guide AMRAAM like a Sparrow

    If you still want to retain ground mapping feature, it makes sense to do two aircraft versions: one with 70.dll for strike missions, other with F-14.dll for air-combat

  10. On 16.07.2023 at 10:08 AM, Menrva said:

    If the plane and cockpit can be released with due credits to the authors, I'd be happy to include this new Su-24 in the ODS 30AE mod as a flyable aircraft.

    While we're at it, I have a question.

    I noticed that ODS has a dedicated MiG-25 cockpit which is not available for separate download.

    I took a gander at it, found some things that warrant fixing.

    For a time, it's for my personal use. But if you/creators don't mind, I can upload the fixed version after I finish it. Or pass it to you for ODS update

    • Like 3

  11. On 06.06.2023 at 6:08 PM, Righteous26 said:

    Some aircraft such as certain A-4 and A-7 variants have this. Look for a small green light that reads "IN RANGE" or something similar.

    Yes, found it - "weapon shoot cue"

    I had the impression that it is not working properly but it does. The problem is in each missile data file, some of them have seeker and launch ranges different, thus the node can give you "launch authorized" signal when the ranges is met, but seeker has not locked on yet.

    Sadly, this doesn't seem to work for guided bombs, so it's better to enable CCIP for guided bomb runs



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