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Posts posted by OlWilly

  1. Su-7/Su-17 cockpit variant + new cockpit for M4

    Small package of cockpit improvements for Su-7/17


    Su-7: cockpit by Stary - fixed misspelling and typos on labels, converted files to reduce size, fixed flaps/airbrake indicators, pilot's POV - nothing too drastic


    Su-17 - original cockpit for Su-17 looks old (judging by the files, it was made in 2003), here possible replacements:

    First gen Su-17s (Su-17, Su-17M (Su-20), Su-17M1 (Su-22)) get aforementioned Su-7 pit. It fits fine considering the time period.

    Second gen Su-17s (Su-17M3 (Su-22M, Su-22M3), Su-17M4 (Su-22M4)) get pit from Su-25. While not a fully accurate replacement, pits of those two jets do share a lot of similarities.

    Su-25K pit adapted for Su-17:

    - changed airspeed and Mach indicators

    - correct weapon stations indicators

    Also fixed a couple of other problems: 

    - original fuel indicator doesn't work - missing nodes; adapted former second engine exhaust temp indicator to show fuel quantity - it is in the lower right corner 

    - altimeter missing hand for thousands (Soviet altimeters have two hands - one for hundreds, other for thousands) - just changed the single hand to show both with adapted altimeter texture 


    Installation: remove old cockpit folder, cockpit_ and avionics_ files; drop in new files. new cockpit_ and avionics_ inis should be renamed accordingly to work properly 


    Su-25K cockpit is taken from here:




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  2. On 5/5/2023 at 7:18 PM, michaelk said:


    You see, the 3d models themselves are different.

    This is how 21MF SPO looks like with front node removed. Aside from the general SPO circle, you have 8 points for flashing lights

    And this is how 23s SPO looks like. Underneath the SPO circle - there is another SPO circle 

    SPO in 21 generally works and show from where the threat comes. In 23, it doesn't 



  3. I noticed that MiG-21MF pit has working Bereza RWR. It bleeps and lights do show the angle of incoming radiation

    MiG-23 pit has Bereza too, and it looks like a same 3D model, but currently lights don't work. It bleeps, but no lights

    Another thing, 21 pit has "droptanks empty" indicator light. Very useful. 23 pit doesn't

    Thus, how exactly I can edit 23 pit to add this? I understand that I had to modify 3d model of the pit, add hooks and respective light textures, then add them in cockpit.ini having 21 pit as an example. What software is best to use here?

  4. 6 hours ago, bazillius said:

    it's all clear and obvious. I just want to say that a range of 120 kilometers and even more so of 200 kilometers is a Russian lie. official Russian sources lied about the range of this missile, and the one who modeled this missile in the game took Russian lies as a basis. 

    Well, RUSI doesn't treat R-37 as a joke and I find RUSI as a decent source of analysis

    The VKS has been firing up to six R-37Ms per day during October, and the extremely high speed of the weapon, coupled with very long effective range and a seeker designed for engaging low-altitude targets, makes it particularly difficult to evade.76 The long range of the R-37M, in conjunction with the very high performance and high operating altitude of the Mig-31BM also allows it significant freedom to menace Ukrainian aircraft near the frontlines from outside the range of Ukrainian defences. The VKS has also started employing the R-37M from at least a few of its Su-35S fighters, which not only increases the reach of the latter in combat but may also suggests Russian stocks of the R-37M are in little danger of running out.77


  5. I like how pits are modeled in the vanilla game. Front pit is modeled fine, you have working instrumentation and proper 3D pit. Sides, where all the engine, radio, etc management are just flat 2D texture. It's not as pretty as fully modeled pit, but since this stuff is non-functional this is fine. Saves some time on modelling I reckon, I wonder how many time people spent on modelling the sides of the pit

  6. On 01.03.2023 at 8:51 PM, bazillius said:

    Unfortunately, the R-37 missiles fly at a distance of 100 kilometers. Of course, not 120, as they are lied about, but they get close to 100 kilometers. There were already launches in a real battle. The missiles missed but forced the bombers to stop attacking. So I recommend reducing the chance of hitting and the Lock chance,  but the range should be 100 kilometers.

    It depends on many factors - altitude, speed, type of target and direction - frontal or rear semisphere.

    If you fly at 20000m at 1.5M and launch at frontal semisphere of something like C-130 or B-52 - you may hit even from 150km.

    If you fly lower and slower, and launch a catch-up against a fighter, the hit is not guaranteed even at 30-40km.

    The problem with such long-range massive missiles is that while they have lots of energy - no joke, traveling at 5-6M, their maneuverability is limited and they use a lot of anticipation while tracking their target. Fighters usually can dodge them if timely maneuver is made.

    This is how it work in real life, dunno how accurately it is modeled in the game

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  7. On 01.03.2023 at 9:45 PM, Righteous26 said:

    If the enemy fighter is an Su-35S you will get outranged because his radar will burn through your jamming before you can burn through his and fire. These reduced firing ranges also put both combatants well within the no escape envelopes of each other's missiles so the player can't just turn and run away at full afterburner. Players must then defeat the missile with chaff as the ECM is of no value against a missile and a kinematic or seeker track rate defeat is unlikely.

    You should remember that such stuff is governed by avionics70.dll which was intended for early 4th gen fighters - F-14A, F-15A, F-16A, etc. Putting overly modern stuff in the game still forces it to use the same 70.dll file to govern its function. So don't expect proper modern ECM function, stealth, LPI radars and such.

    Su-35S radar is indeed very powerful, it is made that way since Russia doesn't have much A-50 AWACS planes and there is no developed datalink in Russian AirForce like you would expect in USAF; A-50 just gives azimuth to the target by radio comms. Thus it's old-school, A-50 gives you azimuth, then you look with your own radar. Moreso, Su-35S pays for its radar range by being very detectable - it has huge RCS and radar itself is non-LPI, therefore target will know very early that it is being looked at.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Menrva said:

    Those wonderful cockpits were all made by Stary. He also made alternative colors for the MiG-23 ones, any chance you could fix textures with those colors as well? Below two examples, one from the MLD and the other from his BN cockpit.

    Sure, why not. So, the one I did is blueish-green (a "middle" color), and the two others are clean blue and clean light green.

    I see that texture sets are basically the same across the pits so it won't be hard

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  9. MiG-23 cockpit fixes

    Correction of typos and misspelling for Stary's MiG-23 pit. Plus reworked the HUD a little.

    All files converted to JPG to save space, it's 46mb now. Tuned for Mirage Factory MiGs, but could be used for stock ones with little tweaking. 

    Some changes of HUD:

    Removed unnecessary ПР (launch authorized) marks - now it will flash only when you are actually in range

    Changed ОТВ (break) - now it will flash when you are too close

    Removed РЛ/ТП marks - they make no sense as the game doesn't support IRST. Now you will have Р (for search), З (for lock), B (for air-combat mode)

    Changed selected weapon display - now you will have type of weapon and amount remaining. Not really authentic but more useful 

    Things I couldn't do:

    can't fix RWR - can't copy working RWR from MiG-21MF cockpit

    MiG-29 pit has authentic and working selected weapon display - can't copy that

    can't add proper IRST - game doesn't support it. tried with non-launching heatseeker missile on hidden pylon, it could lock targets but not really useful for anything else 

    Readme inside.


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  10. 8 hours ago, EricJ said:

    I'm sure you can upload that to the Downloads section rather than hosting it on your Google Drive. As long as you give proper credit you should be okay.

    Sure, I'm not familiar with local procedure yet

    1 hour ago, bazillius said:

    Yes I see you corrected missprints and mistakes. And I want to say that it is possible to convert *.bmps to *.jpegs. I did it for my MOD folder. Cockpit works nice and no white/black not textured places. thanks.

    Good idea, also saves space on the disk.

    With all due respect, but cockpit texturing here is a mess, using a whole load of textures with almost 200mb per one cockpit. Considering how many planes are in MiG-23 pack and if someone wants to use the similar pit for MiG-23B/27 it's almost 2GB of pit files alone.

    I think I will do the conversion for myself but upload these ones as they are

    I will also look into other planes, AFAIK, Su-7 pit has the same set of typos

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