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Files posted by OlWilly

  1. Su-35S cockpit by Insky, light update

    A light overhaul of old Su-35S cockpit by Insky. Sadly, it is of lower fidelity than Su-27SKM cockpit from YeYeYe which is often used for modern Su-27 derivatives, but it follows the general layout of Su-35S cockpit and is worth a try. Updated textures, sorted out various indication and HUD, some other small fixes. 
    It is tailored for Su-35S by GKAB, but could be adapted for any other aircraft. 
    Caution: there is no "launch authorized" indication on the HUD, not possible to add it with resources I have - it will be displayed on the radar.
    Real Su-35 pipes both radar and RWR information straight to the HUD, which is not possible to recreate in SF2 engine - so we have what we have. 
    To install, delete original files in Su-35 folder and put new ones inside


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  2. MiG-25 cockpit fixes (actual MiG-25 cockpit by Centurion-1)

    MiG-25PD cockpit by Centurion-1 with fixes 
    Notable fixes include: 
    - removed gunsight. 25 doesn't really need it, most of the footage shows 25s without gunsight
    - fixed G-meter: added negative Gs and redid the layout to be more in line with the real thing 
    - original model actually had airspeed indicator and altimeter confused - this was corrected. Altimeter is above (shorter needle shows thousands, longer hundreds, plus analogue counter), airspeed indicator is below (likewise - shorter needle shows thousands, longer hundreds)
    - fixed vertical velocity indicator. It wasn't working due to "values" being put in the wrong order (could be that it was working on older patches)
    - fixed compass and course arrow. They were calling non-existing nodes
    - added over-G and too much AoA lights above G-meter: not sure if realistic, but will do
    - added afterburner light near nozzle indicator
    - removed some lights and switch animations: they are cute, but very incorrect 
    - MiG-25PD version gets new radar layout taken from MiG-23 radar: it makes sense as PD radar "Sapphire-25" was developed from "Sapphire-23" on MiG-23
    - can't do anything about warning lights and gear/flaps indicators not working - cockpit model just lacks any light nodes 
    - added some labels on instruments 
    Install: remove old cockpit folder, *cockpit and *avionics files, drop in new ones, rename accordingly. 
    Cockpit versions:
    25P - for MiG-25P
    25PD - for MiG-25PD/PDS
    25PD uses avionics70 dll! Make sure to address it in the init file:
    25PD is tuned for MiG-25PD from Coyote Airspace. It is easily adaptable for older versions of PD/PDS, just change position values in *cockpit file. 


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  3. MiG-23 cockpit fixes

    Correction of typos and misspelling for Stary's MiG-23 pit. Plus reworked the HUD a little.
    All files converted to JPG to save space, it's 46mb now. Tuned for Mirage Factory MiGs, but could be used for stock ones with little tweaking. 
    Some changes of HUD:
    Removed unnecessary ПР (launch authorized) marks - now it will flash only when you are actually in range
    Changed ОТВ (break) - now it will flash when you are too close
    Removed РЛ/ТП marks - they make no sense as the game doesn't support IRST. Now you will have Р (for search), З (for lock), B (for air-combat mode)
    Changed selected weapon display - now you will have type of weapon and amount remaining. Not really authentic but more useful 
    Things I couldn't do:
    can't fix RWR - can't copy working RWR from MiG-21MF cockpit
    MiG-29 pit has authentic and working selected weapon display - can't copy that
    can't add proper IRST - game doesn't support it. tried with non-launching heatseeker missile on hidden pylon, it could lock targets but not really useful for anything else 
    Readme inside.


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  4. Su-7/Su-17 cockpit variant + new cockpit for M4

    Small package of cockpit improvements for Su-7/17
    Su-7: cockpit by Stary - fixed misspelling and typos on labels, converted files to reduce size, fixed flaps/airbrake indicators, pilot's POV - nothing too drastic
    Su-17 - original cockpit for Su-17 looks old (judging by the files, it was made in 2003), here possible replacements:
    First gen Su-17s (Su-17, Su-17M (Su-20), Su-17M1 (Su-22)) get aforementioned Su-7 pit. It fits fine considering the time period.
    Second gen Su-17s (Su-17M3 (Su-22M, Su-22M3), Su-17M4 (Su-22M4)) get pit from Su-25. While not a fully accurate replacement, pits of those two jets do share a lot of similarities.
    Su-25K pit adapted for Su-17:
    - changed airspeed and Mach indicators
    - correct weapon stations indicators
    Also fixed a couple of other problems: 
    - original fuel indicator doesn't work - missing nodes; adapted former second engine exhaust temp indicator to show fuel quantity - it is in the lower right corner 
    - altimeter missing hand for thousands (Soviet altimeters have two hands - one for hundreds, other for thousands) - just changed the single hand to show both with adapted altimeter texture 
    Installation: remove old cockpit folder, cockpit_ and avionics_ files; drop in new files. new cockpit_ and avionics_ inis should be renamed accordingly to work properly 
    Su-25K cockpit is taken from here:


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