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Everything posted by jtin

  1. Looks good! I love the seventh pic, it looks really realistic. Keep it up!
  2. In the download for the TE, there should be texturelists for the stock maps, for user created maps, you'd probably have to ask the creators. Also, make sure all .tga tiles are converted to .bmps. Gocad is right, the terrain.ini should be in the .cat. And if you're looking for the tiles themselves, they're also in the .cat.
  3. Also, this is possible, but it wouldn't work for virtual aerobatics because of the limited multiplayer. What T-37 model are you talking about? IIRC, the A-Team made one.
  4. I was wondering, with the addition of enabling .tgas to be used on ships in "skins" in Service Pack 4, can we now add carrier lights without editing the model? When DO released his carrier with lights, it was my understanding that they were accomplished by building a .tga of the lights into the carrier, and if you look into the folder, there is a lightmap.tga. I know that you can put this .tga onto other carriers, but how do you make it a light? Do you still need to edit the model to do this? Thanks! OT: And a little heads up... I'm trying to convert a cargo ship/tanker into a carrier.
  5. This has been discussed in great detail at Thirdwire's forums, and from what I read, the autopilot and AI bounce up and down to look lively. If you looked across at your wingman and saw him flying in a straight line, you'd probably think he was asleep. There is a fix at Column5's forums.
  6. Putting Bombs on Target! The Devil way!

    In response to Redddevil911's tactic, there is another drawback: Climbing up to 5,000 feet so close to the target provides a good target for flak gunners and also, being upside down looking for the target (for most fighters/bombers) provides a better radar cross-section for SAMs. I'd recommend at least having a wingman with you, if one of you is targeted, jink and let the other go on. Redundancy is good. Depending on the area, like with less SAMs I'd climb up to 5,000 feet before getting close to the target, if in a situation like you mentioned, with lots of AAA hit the deck until getting close to the target. If the flak is pulled out, JINK! Great strategy!
  7. Beat me to it... I got up at 2:00 AM EST this morning to celebrate. Where's the fireworks? Happy Fourth of July (And I think I might be the first American to post here ) HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY... and have a good day, my international friends!
  8. Did you click "save" instead of "save as"? Clicking save creates a Weaponsdata.dat. What did you do? What went wrong? And it's not a trick... it's a full time proffesion.
  9. Wow! So it's official! MF's working on a RF-4? If there's anything I can help with, give me a shout. And on the Iraqi Air Force, how are you going to make them better? This is going to be a big addition... up there with OTC and KAW. And if I can help, again, give me a shout.
  10. Well, I think I'm done...

    Wow! I'm not that hardcore. SF series, a little America's Army, and the rest of my computer is for doing spreadsheets and stuff. Nice setup!
  11. Oh, nothing at all. The mod shop: No offense Shasman (or USAFMTL), you were the first to walk into the shop. It's all good. (Sorry for bad image quality... base image off Wiki.)
  12. Don't forget the allowed weapon class, max weight, size parameters, and nationality. EDIT- Nice job, airvee001. Is this going into the weapons pack?
  13. How about bridges in the canyon, where upon meeting it, you have to make a split second decision of going under or over? And as the finale, floatplanes land on a lake, carrier aircraft trap on the carrier. AAA/SAMs at the other end of the lake, so 1 chance. ANW is the best for flying nape-of-the earth. I like the idea of an updated one for the race course. And of course, thanks Major Lee for building one!
  14. Yeah. Back on topic... what was the topic again? I would like a canyon with a big nice lake to practice with my floatplane on, and a carrier to practice trapping on, and an AAA battery to practice evading from... (and on Star Wars, Luke with his X-plane going through the trenches on the Death Star comes to mind... is that scene humanly possible?) Ah yes, the topic. I would also probably practice solo on it, but racing is a lot funner racing with people, not dumb AI that doesn't know the difference between sky and wall, if I could get my computer to run MP properly. And a question to the MP gurus out there, in having mods completely the same for stable AI, do skins matter, or those have to be distrubuted to everyone before a race? (if we all have personalized skins) And Major Lee, are you thinking of building one? Thanks!
  15. Hi and enjoy your stay! CA has been a great experience for me, and just to demonstrate the helpful aspect... (you knew I had to do it ) Even if you do use the VietnamSEA.cat, there should be airfield buildings, albeit a little tropical looking for enemy. Did you add the line: catfile=...\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat to your BoB terrain.ini? And WWII might be in your head, but B-29s didn't fly in Vietnam! And the modding gets to your head quickly... TW has that appeal to it.
  16. Yeah, in ACM the overlaid radar would be useful... for once. I know TW has created USAF: Air Dominace, and it features the predator, and I also know that some people here have played it. I wonder how it works there?
  17. 331Killerbee

    Yay! Glad to hear KB's ok. And if you're reading this KB, have fun!
  18. Is there a UCAV somewhere? EDIT: Never mind, I just found it. Nice work USAFMTL, and I see that the skunkworks are really secretive. I was thinking about a UCAV pit too (after seeing wsspnt's wip pics) and why don't you have a simple HUD with just no cockpit at all. Sort of like what the Predator would see with the camera under the nose. To snap to the nose, you'll just press F1. Is that what you're talking about?
  19. It's in 1-10. I'm not sure if the cockpit is in other packs (I only have a huey pit).
  20. The air races sound fun! And while we're at it, why don't we throw in a couple sky scrapers to have people fly around? I think a canyon would be better to race in than having pylons (if we don't want to have realistic ones). Try to pass someone and they'll pressure you into the wall! A little OT, but did anyone think about an airshow? I know the c6 guys did it with the blue angels, but we could set up a MP aerobatics team...
  21. Real life is suprisingly inconvienent sometimes... Zurawski, are you working on the 3 variants, or just the MV-22? Thanks!
  22. Red Flag Alaska

    May I ask what a/c? Good luck!
  23. Oooh! <keyboard shorts from all the drool> oops. Looks good! Keep them coming!
  24. From the viewpoint of a "consumer", I have to say that payware isn't that bad. Yes, you have to pay, but competition creates better quality. And to echo a lot of people here, "It has to be good for me to buy it." I have to agree with WK in that Edward shouldn't have done this without warning, but (not trying to start a flame war here) it was the same way with YAP. It started out as a free add on, and then became payware. And guess what? The quality got better. I can understand why people want to mod for personal gain, and I fully respect that they have the right to do that, but after all, they don't call payware "the Dark side" for nothing. My 2 cents.
  25. The entry in the squadron list will have no effect on the campaign, except the briefing won't have a squadron name. What do you mean by nothing? Did the game crash?

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