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Everything posted by jtin

  1. What mission editor? KMD or the Check-six one? If you have a 16 on 16 ground object battle, the game will crash...
  2. Been researching Linebacker II, F-4 specialized chaff aircraft were used, EB-66s had ECM internally, also used F-105s had ECM pods of course, B-52Ds had the better ECM than the Gs F-4s did use QRC-160s as did F-105s Oh, and they're all supporting aircraft on strikes (specialized) except for B-52s
  3. Roll Call

    Hope I'm not late... I think you should be happy that there's not 20,000 responses. That might shut down the site...
  4. What Branch of Service should you be in!

    I can't believe it! I never thought I was Marine material...
  5. Memorial Day Weekend

    Thanks to all the servicemen and servicewomen that defend our country, land of the free and the brave (and other free countries). <S!> Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
  6. Same question as above ^ Also, can the .bmps be used in plannning maps? Then I could just work around it instead of changing the terrain (not to "have people playing games they didn't buy") because I use kmd and the HUD debug to place targets anyways. Is there a TE tutorial? Thanks!
  7. This is what he said to ezlead: "ezlead, Support ship isn't "supported", in the sense that we don't have AI for support/escort ships in carrier group. TK" http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4205 Fubar, was that a single mission?
  8. Wow! Thanks! The cockpit looks really nice.
  9. I know of another "paint" that can do the job. http://www.getpaint.net/index2.html This is what I use. Looking forward to your mod!
  10. Nice! Any pics of the spirit in it's natural habitat (night)? I bet rudders would decrease the stealth factor, especially vertical ones.
  11. Woah! A quote from somewhere I can't remember: "The worst thing about this series is the terrain." Very nice!
  12. USMC Hawker, there is one by Marcfighter here: http://marcfighters.combatace.com/page17.htm
  13. I would guess you aren't flying CAS missions, and the infantry have nothing to attack. (working on stuff like this, see my sig) Try putting more enemies in the campaign, as well as strategic nodes.
  14. I know Fubar512 has made an updated one, but I'm not sure if that's the same one. There should be an .ini edits sticky with all of the .ini edits that get lost in old threads. Like the bump mapping... and the delaying of SAM salvoes. I'm a noob at this stuff, but could the radius be a problem? I'm not sure if it's just there for the Debug, or if objects outside the radius of the target area get cut off.
  15. Is it all inclusive? Thanks... and 2 weeks until release?
  16. You can do it by going into the terrain_targets.ini and instead of SAMRadar or SAMLauncher in the type, and put in Fansong for the SA-2, the respective radars for the SAM batteries. Although the different SAMs might be better, providing different layers of protection (or attack).
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Campaign update isn't there. All there is is the terrain files. Still, your hard work is appreciated.
  18. Very nice. And you need seagulls on the seashores. (or was it seashells?)
  19. I've been gone for about a week, and all this good stuff happens! (SF wise) The Viggy, Bunyaps' site, oh my! Maybe I should go away more often. Nice to see you back, Bunyap! I accesed your site with no problem just now. Thanks!
  20. right up the road,what a mess,murder on campus

    This is just scary. I live about an hour away from VA Tech, and a couple days ago in Gaithersburg (MD) this father threatened to do something at an elementary school like at Virginia Tech. That is just scary. And the worst part is, that it's all because his kid couldn't stay inside for recess because he/she was sick. That makes me sick. And my prayers go to the families of the victims.
  21. I just finished reading Flying Through Midninght, very good book, about a 606th SOS "Candlesticks" pilot, who flew C-123s, in truck hunting and CAS. Anways, getting back on topic, is anyone working on a C-123? I'd like to make some missions based on this book. It's pretty detailed, and should make very good missions, but there's no C-123. I guess the C-130 can work as a placeholder. Thanks!
  22. The Air America Hueys, of course had a different paint scheme from the service Hueys (in Vietnam), so my question is were the Air America cockpits a different color from the service ones? Thanks!
  23. Maybe 5 feet at 600 knots would work. Then again, it might be better to try to dodge the SAM.
  24. I think MontyCZ has a plate that can use a colored .tga. I think I downloaded it from a TW thread. PM him about it, called "Plate500.rar" Might be what you want

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