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Everything posted by jtin

  1. The .TODs in the ANW 4 seasons by Wrench should work. I was thinking more in terms of what Lexx_Luthor has; a custom runway texture (with its own .tod), as there really are only mountians and deserts, and transition tiles in ANW (or forests and mountians) and your FOB is in the middle of a forest. But yeah, feel free to PM it to me.
  2. hmm... can't see why not; at the very least you can resize the height field (exported .bmp) and reimport it. You would loose alot of height detail though.
  3. The lining up of catapults is really only limited by the space that you have on your carrier. You could theoretically fill up the whole deck, although I'm not sure if there's a limit. The most I've seen is around 12 or so, from when JSF_Aggie was testing with dummy cats to put static aircraft on the CVN-75. I'm throwing ideas at you, but do you think it would be feasable for animations to be tied to crewmen on the deck? I'm not sure what types of animation 3DSMax supports or those the TW engine can handle, but it would be cool if we could have guys twirling arms and running around in place of the jet blast deflectors :) I'd be willing to help with .ini dancing if you need it.
  4. An aircraft carrier can launch any number of aircraft, it's just that they magically appear on the empty cats... there's no taxiing like on runways. For example, if you have 2 cats, lead would take off, then number 2 on its cat, and 3 would appear on lead's cat and take off, 4 on 2's cat, etc. You could always set up cats behind the main cats to make it appear that the aircraft are lining up behind each other; the lack of a need for blast deflectors removes the problems with that. (you've probably gathered this, but line abreast is possible as long as the first two cats are lined up) Regarding the animations of different phases, it wouldn't really be applicable, since the animation would play over again with each launch. Another solution would be the launch deck and clear/land deck as different ground objects so that single missions could be set up to swtich between the two.
  5. If it isn't too much work for you, I could set down airfield specific tiles and the objects could go around it (so that there is a 'runway' to aim at) sort of like JSF's original. BTW, where are your trees?
  6. Geezer, what exactly do you mean by taking off abreast? AI taking off on carriers are dictated by the catapult locations; 1 takes off first, then 2, then so on. They only rejoin formation after they're airborne. Another thing to consider is what Crusader posted in another thread; having the static objects on the deck tied to the catapult animation (which isn't needed on a flat top) and after launch the carrier could revert to recovery mode (end of animation). Well specifically with a PTO install would be to make sure to set the carrier airfield size to small, all land airfields to medium and large, and only set carrier based aircraft to small. It would work in other eras, except maybe where highway airfields are used... I've always thought that the stock airfields were all far from small.
  7. Try fiddling around with contrasts in the NOISENORMAL.bmp
  8. WOW! Looks very much like a competely new model! Nice job. :yes:
  9. Storm, you might want to look at this tool: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4932 it lets you do the type of conversions that I think you're looking for. I was thinking of perhaps making the boom a 'gun turret' in the sense that it would follow other planes (of course without shooting) and simulate somewhat the boom operator. Of course, the trick would be making it target friendly planes, although hooking up would probably only be possible in single missions- where the tanker could be set to enemy... as long as the wingman doesn't shoot the tanker down.
  10. Cool! The C-130 isn't so lonely any more Veltro, do you have plans for a civilian Boeing 707? Gives me an error message
  11. Love the skyscrapers! If only we could get colision... :yes:
  12. The F-35A_Data.ini seems fine; what are your gun settings in the gundata.ini? BTW, is there a fuel dump afterburner effect somewhere (just for personal use )?
  13. After a bit of more experimentation, probably hand placing the tiles and flattening some parts to make way would look the best. Maybe a bit tedious, but the elevation variations on the map don't go well with other methods. Good thing its such a small map :)
  14. Hmm, a weird thing to be doing in a mine infested area... Airfield looks pretty interesting; must've needed brains to come up with that. :yes:
  15. call of duty 4 grapics problem

    I'm running a GeForce 7300 LE... albeit having to turn the graphics down a bit to get acceptable framerates, I don't have any problems. (Vista SP1)
  16. Happy Turkey Day

    Yep. Have a safe and sound thanksgiving everyone. :)
  17. Edit these two lines: Setting[1].DeployValue=300.0 Setting[1].RetractValue=600.0
  18. My KLu adventure

    Awesome! 2011 isn't that far off is it :yes:
  19. call of duty 4 grapics problem

    I believe you can check on the Nvidia site; go into your nvidia control panel and the driver version should be there. Spark, I would reinstall the game, but if that doesn't fix it, remember to patch up to 1.7.
  20. Nice! Love the autumn tileset; matches the overall feeling of the widesky mod :)
  21. .tgas have an alpha layer which is used to differentiate between the water and the coastline. I believe that Baltika wrote a tutorial somewhere on how to use them. Any tile that has water in it should be a .tga file. I assume you probably know, but TE does not accept .tga files, so you're going to have to convert them to 256x256 .bmps. The tilelist specifies which .tod goes with which, and AFAIK, you can only overwrite .tods, not edit them, so if you're going to edit them, back them up.

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