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Everything posted by jtin

  1. Question about Vista

    I've had no problems with Vista so far, but I only do light gaming. Really, my only gripe was the lack of support that Microsoft gave for installing SP1. Apparently, I am in the minority with SigmaTel audio drivers that "aren't compatible" with SP1... Dell gave me old drivers from June 2007, while Microsoft told me to install the newest version of the drivers... I eventually had to go hunt down the "new" drivers, ironically, at Dell's site under an XP system's driver download page. If you're considering getting Vista, go with a lot of RAM... even with two GB (which is getting outdated even now) and a pretty decent video card, I normally don't go above around 50 FPS in TW's games. One thing worth noting about Vista is that it includes DX10, which AFAIK, isn't going to be supported in XP any time soon, if at all. Of course, most game makers are just ditching DX10 and staying with 9, so it was a blunder on Microsoft's part.
  2. I think "high quality" has just been redefined. That is top notch work! :)
  3. Ooooh pretty... a must have. :D Nice work! Those target placements are a huge pain in the... :yes:
  4. Well, it looks like he is abandoning the "lite" concept to a level- at least by breaking it down and focusing on specific aspects of the conflict... will definetly be better for online sales (base game with expansion packs = more people just trying it out and more sales). Good to see TW is still alive and well! And hopefully, he'll pick the F-14
  5. I'd assume the SOUNDLIST.ini (extracted from missiondata.cat iirc). You might need to fiddle with some of the parameters at the top.
  6. Effective camo.

    Not exactly aircraft, but...
  7. Yeah setting up nodes and targets and stuff is tough... especially keeping it balanced for both sides within the frontlines. As for amphibious assault, I've done it before in single missions, but as far as campaigns go, its either totally sea (ships acting as tanks) or totally land (tanks on land). You could just make a mission for fun that could be a prelude to the campaign... would be an interesting opener. :yes:
  8. You might also want to look at this line: ArmingTime=
  9. Are you talking about the engine not rendering objects within a certain distance? You can edit the individual terrain's terrainnamehere_TYPES.ini (MaxVisibleDistance= I think it's meters), or sometimes you'll have different LODs for different distances (i.e. LOD_1 which has the most LOD is only visible from 200 meters away, after which LOD_2 takes over, which has less detail), which you can edit in the objectnamehere.ini. Another thing you might want to check is the FlightEngine.ini, which lets you configure graphic settings more than the menu... look at these lines: [GraphicsSettings] ZBufferDepth=24 MaxVertexCount=16384 MaxIndexCount=32768 MaxTextureCount=16384 MaxModelType=2048 MaxMeshPerScene=2048 MaxModelPerScene=4096 MaxLightPerScene=1024 AspectRatio=1.333333 MinPixelSize=1.0 (above is copied out of the KB) You can edit these to your specifications- assuming your computer can handle it.
  10. Fubar... you mean real lightning? I think someone (CA_Starry I think) was able to solve the fog and .TGA transparency issue... might wanna look into that.
  11. lol "light, casual, fun game with nifty airplanes in it"... straight from TK (the developer)'s mouth. For controls... look at thrust vectoring... indispensable if you want to take off vertically.
  12. Not really furballs with F-16s... F/A-18s maybe. I'd say just run... far. :P
  13. You could also create an alternate weaponsdata with only bombs, and droptanks, etc... just swap it out when you're playing the campaign... IMO, much less hassle than editing each individual loadout. I actually have a Red Flag install that I'm working on... wrote some missions for F-22 CAP against lots of F-16 agressors... only beat them 2 times out of 10. IMO, a training session like Red Flag wouldn't be that good for a campaign, something more like individual missions scripted out... you can control ground units, targets, etc. Top Gun I guess would be OK, if you're just doing A2A.
  14. Earth Hour 2008

    Didn't see anything here about it... people around the world are turning their lights off for one hour at 8 PM local time tomorrow, Saturday, March 29. Last year, they did it in Sydney with remarkable results... this year it's going global. http://www4.earthhourus.org/ Your take? Will this actually do anything to try to stem global warming? (no politics, please)
  15. Infidel of the week

    Go... go with your infidel fox and make your own TV show. Does this make Major Lee the infidel of the week?
  16. You could set different engines to turn on AB at different times (i.e. engine 1 turns on at 60% power while engine 2 turns on at 80%).
  17. If I may interject here... could it be something with the new AI? Try looking in the aircraftobject.ini or formations.ini... there might be some pesky code somewhere that doesn't let the AI wait long enough to get control before trying to go into formation or to the next waypoint. Since I don't have WoI (at least not yet) can someone try enabling the HUD debug (in the HUD.ini) and take off first, then switch over to the wingman as he's taking off and see what the AI instructions are?
  18. Very cool! Some interesting scenarios can be created with this!
  19. Isn't there already an EjectView parameter? Try using that instead of Flyby or whatever is in there. In my experience, you can't have the camera latch onto something besides the aircraft or a weapon for it to fire. Probably your best bet if you wanted a genuine eject view is to make the pilot a weapon that is fired when he ejects and the camera would latch onto the weapon. That way, you could even make it from the pilot's viewpoint (however, you wouldn't be able to see the ejection seat or anything) or have it as a sort of chase view where you can actually see the seat and the pilot. I'm thinking ahead here, but you could also even add a parachute animation and have green or red smoke as the explosion when he lands (sort of like the paratroopers in the C6 megapack). :yes:
  20. That's true... if the RCS is greater, making it a brighter point source, would that make it more likely to distract/confuse the incomming missiles, or would it just do nothing?
  21. lol Bounder, I think what Fatman is talking about is the BOB mod here... it's probably caused by missing or problematic shipping routes in the terrainname_movements.ini. Most likely the former, all you have to do is take an application such as KMD and look at the grid numbers in the lower left corner and transplant the numbers into the movement.ini. Voila! You have ships in the sea!
  22. If you could make ground objects without models and make them have large RCSes, you could hypothetically place alot of them in an area that you want to saturate and set them with KMD to appear at a certain time (i.e. when the player is overhead the area), right? I just don't know if it'll result in a drop in FPS.
  23. I especially like your start on the pit... IMO, we need more modern pits.
  24. I'd say blame Hollywood. I know it sounds a little harsh, but seriously, look at this generation. Every time a dumb actor/actress gets arrested, the media is all over it and analyzes their hand gestures in their trial meticuliously, comming to the conclusion that their left thumb is sore. In a world that worships stars to that extent, basically kids' conceptions on life are through the eyes of a movie camera. This was brought up earlier: kids' conception of flight combat is based on movies like Top Gun and Pearl Harbor. When they see the amount of planning and thinking that it really takes, they're turned off. Go to any action flick today. With such a sort attention span, the only movies that are successful are ones where one minute, the main character is running down a street being chased by a guy with a machine gun on a motorcycle, and the next minute, he's in a helicopter on the other side of the world nuking stuff. Flight simming is just studying to them. When they need to think that hard, they just avoid it. As for F4, that was a different generation. Also targeted to a different age group that would tolerate and enjoy a study sim. Today's sims are still targeted to the same age group, but the ones that are controlling the industry are the kids.
  25. yessshhh... now DBS will be (almost) complete.

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