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Everything posted by jtin

  1. C-130... after waiting, what, 3 years? :yes:
  2. The Loss of a Veteran

    <S!> Hope the new year is much better for you and your family.
  3. I also am (attempting) to use this: http://taksi.sourceforge.net/ Never heard of GameCam before, I'll give it a try. OT- Nice job on Vectors, I have it in my favorites now. :yes:
  4. Oh my... I suggest a small nuclear effect for the explosion... gives a whole new meaning to 'porta-potty'.
  5. Lowergrin has made one http://www.lowengrin.com/download.php?view.75 but its only compatible with v3.2 or you have to remake the Groundobjects.ini.
  6. I like them all (except for a select few I won't mention ), but if I had to single out one, it would be... the Tomcat. I fell in love with them at my very first airshow, highly manuverable, long range, lots of fancy gizmos on board, and best of all, good looking! They've been the true protectors of the fleet for over thirty years... too bad they couldn't make it to fourty.
  7. I have just a few simple questions: Which campaign is this? The Blood for Oil campaign? IIRC, it was released before many of the patches, so there may be some compatibility issues there... though it looks like you did update the ground_object.inis Which version are you using? IIRC, it calls for the Desert terrain only in SFP1/SFG. A last note, in the CV59.ini and in your folder setup (just because of my OCD), I see that you have the four different Forrestal variants in seperate folders. It might be wise to delete the TextureSet entries at the bottom and leave the one that corresponds with the skin in the individual folder.
  8. hehe here on the DC MD border, this morning I was listening to the radio weatherman: "Earlier this morning at 6 AM, I went out side and it was 60 degrees. That was probably the warmest part of today" Hershey's special dark chocolate is the best.
  9. There is actually a physical light on the rotor, as demonstrated by Ravenclaw's pictures... What I'd really like is an osprey with a down firing gun(s), much like the AC-130, but easier so I could just hover over a tank and blow the @#$! out of it. This is a REALLY nice beta release Zur, thanks a lot! I just did these as a proof-of-concept, the jeep really doesn't fit into the Osprey, as it bleeds into the walls, so a new smaller model is needed (I assume Zur is already doing that?) And some vehicles obviously don't fit, producing some strange results:
  10. WOW. I nearly jumped out of my seat when I saw them firing their rockets. Nice job! Now they really look like a swarm of angry bees; reminds me of a quotation from a Huey pilot in vietnam: "No two helicopters were ever on the same height or the same distance apart. There was no order at all." Was that set up as each plane an individual flight, or did you make new formation entries?
  11. Very nice... I've always wanted an Apache What's the problem with helos in a campaign? If it's with the FM, isn't there a block that TK added in the last patch that allows to "teach" the AI the FM, so that it can fly the helo FM without crashing?
  12. I'm sorry to all the people that were counting on me to finish this project, but I have decided to indefinetly put this project on pause. Through this project, I have learned that in modding this series, there is simply a lot more that I need to learn, and as one individual pursuing a project of this scale, I am not up to the challenge. Also, recently, I haven't been able to work on modding as much because of time constraints. I never really got far; I just researched into what would've happened if an event like this happened, made a seperate install and just placed a few targets. Many thanks to Badfrank who gave me some links to help with my research, but I couldn't find that much substantial information about South Vietnamese air forces either. My plan now is to work on simpler projects that will help me hone my skills and be more inline with my schedule.
  13. Major Lee, Do you have Polak's 3D Generic Library? They're the objects that he ported over from another sim (I forget which) a while back. While most are most suitable for WW2 or Korea, there are a few (like the crane and the factory buildings) that would work very well in a port/industrialized area setting. Even so, I also agree that the ground object aspect of this sim is being overlooked. I also can't see the second picture. I'm not a modder by any means, but if you need help with target placement, or very basic skinning, I could help.
  14. Well, I guess that makes me a youngster... my first flight sim was MSFS 2000 on Windows 2000. Of course, I ditched it for the TW series. I actually picked it up in the "Free After Rebate" section at Best Buy in late 2003, looking for something to do in my spare time. When I installed it, I was hooked. It was the perfect fit for someone like me, that has limited time; with ALT-N, I could actually finish a random generated mission in five or then minutes. I actually played it that way without any mods or patches for a year, when I downloaded Service Pack 1, the F-4J, and the A-4F. I don't remember how many times I played "A-4F_Alphastrike!", trying to hone in on my high-altitude bombing skills. It was also the most immersive mission by far with all the action going on, that was when I learned what the in-game map is for. After playing that for another year, I found this site. The rest... is history . I downloaded so many mods that within a month, my free space on my computer went from 10 gigs to less than 2 gigs. Then I had to put my computer on a diet to get acceptable frame rates. (With my current desktop, my installations total about 50 gigs). I think that this site is really what got me hooked. There is only so many times that you can play a single mission. I found out about all the other sites hosting mods from here, this site was and is really my central TW location. If I could estimate how many hours of my time I put into this game, I would estimate 2500+. And I'm not even a real modder... and I didn't start with the Wally-World edition either. Ok I've got to stop rambling on and on... but my point is that I love this game.
  15. You mean the Pave Knife? It's simply a laser designator @ FC, nice work, hope your kids are doing well... I'm always amazed with the amount of detail that goes into these mods for this sim
  16. Veteran's Day

    To all veterans alive and dead... thank you for your service to your countries. <S!> Albiet from last year, the message still stands.
  17. Is there even a curb to curb it on?? Nice work, I love the objects and new tiles... my hat's off to you.
  18. I thought the storyline was that Dhimari was attacked by Parani for oil and then the USAF and USN moved in to support Dhimari while the USSR supported Parani. There are no carriers in the campaign (all the US aircraft are based in Dhimarian bases), but you could always add one yourself. BTW, I think the only difference was that SFG came with 2 more campaigns. TK also released the F-104G in a patch, and a 3rd party (IMO better than stock) C-130 is available here.
  19. Next Time You're Bored

    I don't know if anyone has heard about it yet... read it on Reuters Gotta love the UN and their fundraising schemes: http://www.freerice.com/index.php I donated 1000 grains of rice in 10 minutes!
  20. Infidel of the week

    Naww... Bob just puts in apostrophes to replace letters that weren't ever there and puts everything backwards. Three cheers for Fates! The keeper of this "page-of-the-web"! Oh wait I didn't have to do that.
  21. I second capun, since if you install it on either WoV or WoE (or FE for that matter) it won't work. You need the SF desert terrain. If you did install only the carrier wrong, you would only end up on the water at the start of the mission, so it's something else. (that's happened to me before)
  22. In regard to this thread at SimHQ (http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2042760&fpart=3), I was wondering if either of you have the .LOD files that have the correct scaling and prefferably, no grass attached to it. I am like KB was, building FSBs (or at least trying) and these objects would be of great use to me. Or if any other modder wants to help (with Monty's permission if I could use them) I would also appreciate that. Thanks! (I also do have Polak's generic object library, thanks Polak, they're wonderful!)
  23. Thanks Monty... I don't even have that much money, but Post Toasties make good dog food... I think I could look into that
  24. Vectors- FSX (Youtube)

    Anyone seen this? I love the part where the XB-70 winds up in Paris after departing form San Francisco moments earlier. Makes me want to upgrade from 2000 to FSX- Is it worth it? Or should I get 2004?

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