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Everything posted by elephant

  1. Yes, very nice indeed... I tried it yesterday for the first time and seemed most interesting!
  2. OFFice: OFF incomplete campaign editor

    Sounds great! Will try ASAP... Thanks!
  3. I had seen parts of this movie before, but not the whole clip... The production line from stright planks to complete aircraft. Critical Past clip Many interesting clips there, also Check out this miraculous escape... Cuperly, France, July 19th 1918
  4. Never heard of this film

    And the other two parts:
  5. Never heard of this film

    The most known similar incident known to me from WWII is the Robert Johnson - Egon Mayer, story: There is a an interesting IL-2 Movie by Mysticpuma, from early 2007, (before the mods) portraying it... This is the first part: ....
  6. Albatros production line

    The flat spinning must have prevented the speed build up and was the main factor that saved the crew... As for the first clip, it is said that it was from 1918, but actually, from the planes seen worked on, must be from 1916. Check out this one too from 1918: 94th Aero At 5:35 a Spad 13 firing...
  7. Great plane to have indeed! But would be too much workload for the developng team, as they have to model proper AA for it, as well...

    D.Va (OAW) had additional lower wing reinforcements, to additionaly counter the lower wing flutter plague of the V strutted Albatrosse. This led to an increase of weight and as counter measure the fuel tank capacity was decreased, in order to lighten the plane. That finaly comromised the plane's autonomy while the total weight, still remained a few kilos heavier than the Johannistal model!

    Indeed... 717 220 ___ 937 for OAW D.Va Instead of: 680 235 ___ 915 for Johannisthal D.V uprated and D.Va But as showed earlier, Fuchs' machine was a Johannisthal one and the weights table is just misplaced. I've started a personal topic with OvS, Jim. You are invited too...
  10. Great news! I was kind of expecting that after the AI overhaul announcement, with tactical awareness taken under consideration, resulting thus, to more historical outcomes and not the live or die battles we have now.
  11. Impressive! I only have to note that the plane on that video is powered by a radial engine...

    The new wooden and metal texture is brilliant but I see many mistakes, (OAW and Johannisthal characteristics been mixed up) The photo of the actual Fuchs D.Va, from early 18 looked a bit different... The obvious diference is the camo on wings instead of lozenge. From what it seems from the photo Fuchs' Albatros was a Johannisthal Werke machine, (fuselage cross placement, centerline stencil and lack of bream on the hood). The blue on tail section is extended up to the cross side on fuselage and on the rudder as well. From the update pics the plane is having OAW style lozenge camo (blue rib tapes) and weights table stencil placement... The OAW style lozenge in every Albatros in P3 is a mistake I don't want to see it repeated in P4!

    Impressive details... From what we see and hear from you guys, the immersion factor of P4 is going to be legendary! :yes:
  14. You should see this!

    Very good animation, with some trully inspiring moments! I remember seeing the trailer, the finished product is better than expected, though. I think the creators were Polish actually...
  15. Q Repair of bulletholes

    Yes, that's right...
  16. Q Repair of bulletholes

    Here are two examples of bullethole patches in the form of a British roundel in Albatrosse:
  17. Head bob please

    Head bob is unintentional head movement due to G Forces-inertia...

    So do I... What Winder announced seems to be a dream come true in Combat Flight Simming!

    Yes indeed very nice addition, plus the new modelled historical brims in Brit flight caps. One think I don't like and I want to get fixed, sort of, are the open hanging side flaps of the caps. The caps should be well fastened and the faces partially covered by mufflers... Is there time for such changes to be implemented?
  20. Oh, great skin! And the sign so matched up! My astrological sign (scorpio) is so overused in aviation emblems, that I've never thought to use it as a personal emblem...
  21. I'm having a break from OFF lately and revisited for a while, my old IL-2 Modding habits and sites. (I'm trying to realise a Mod that enhances the poorely presented pilots and crew in old IL-2 1946). Anyway, Biltongbru ,a guy from South Africa and a regular at the SAS IL-2 Modding site, posted this:

    About the video Hauksbee posted earlier... Here it is on You Tube:

    The "Planet of the Apes". ending was priceless

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