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Everything posted by elephant

  1. You are right Jim...but as I have noticed, (correct me if I'm wrong), in OFF for all pilots except from the player the ranks play only a "cosmetic" role... There are no rank advances nor rank relevance to the pilots position in flight formation or command ability but for the player himself...for all the others the above attributes are chosen by random
  2. No you can't! CFS3 external views are awfull, the worst I've ever seen in a sim!
  3. That's AMAZING! Thanks a million Lou!
  4. OK, for those who missed them in the Official RoF Forum... Here are my Imperial German Pilots v.2: http://www.mediafire.com/?1nj215cnr5mggdc I made an in depth research and added to the flight helmet the proper 100% accurate chinstrap buckle and earflap snap. Also modelled the 1915 patern fliece coat with lambswool collar, issued to flight crews, (as I could better as in the RoF pilot skins a lot of mirroring is involved). Over the coat is worn a privately purchased leather flight pair of trousers, (barely visible in the pics). As for the faces I tried to depict them as if were in the frozing altitude conditions. Installation: copy the data folder included in the zip to your game's main directory. If you got a previous version let the folders get merged and files overwritten. I have noticed a small drawback with the HP O/400 as it uses the German observer/gunner as fuselage top gunner as well (Grrrr... those developers are driving me crazy!!! They corrected the mistake with the Breguet pilot being the German pilot character as I noted them and now they've placed the German gunner in the HP O/400)... So I have included an alternative data file with the German gunner having the default brown leather flight suit and fits better as "British" in the HP. (to install copy the data folder included in the alternative folder to your game's main directory). Use the one that suits you the best, they will be both historically correct as lots of individually purchased garments and equipment were used by flight crews during WWI, also many captured items were used as well. Don't forged that the only work in Mods On mode! My intention is to continue to Entente pilots but for now I have two major drawbacks. A) The extensive use of mirroring is somewhat forbidding to depict certain details, of the British flight suits in particular,correctly, without making significant consessions. B) The same "character" is shared by the majority of the planes in game. For example if I managed to make an "accurate" Sidcot British flight suit for the Camel and SE5 pilots it would be shared by the DH2 or the Nieuport pilots which is not historical. In that case I prefer the generic default pilot... So I make a petition to the developers for the introduction of more "characters", (idealy, for the current supported system, a character per crew member per plane), so to have more hisrorical representation of pilots and crew members in game. Thanks!
  5. new campaign generator

    Well, Patrick has applied to Jason to work things out... Meanwhile v.7.0 is out but it seems there is a problem at WoH as I and many others, including Pat himself, cannot download... Anyway, here is the link: http://www.wingsofhonour.com/forums/ipboard/index.php?/files/file/3-rofcampaignzip/ PS OK, I got it... You have to be registered to the WoH site and your account being approoved by an admin in order to be able to download. More details here: http://www.wingsofhonour.com/forums/ipboard/index.php?/topic/402-recent-download-problems/page__pid__915#entry915
  6. Don't forget the Strutter, (so fun to fly in OFF)!
  7. I have tried Creaghorn's tracers mod but it was not my cup of tea, actually... Also with this mod on I was loosing the exaust smoke from all the planes, which I didn't like at all... Watching back older movies made by Hellshade and playing without Creaghorn's mod, I realised that the default effect was not so bad at all, except from the actual tracers that look huge and arcadic. So I edited the original textures to achieve an effect that reduces them to at least half their size. The smokes remain the original ones and if you like you can use these textures, along with Creaghorn's effects xlm as well. I tried to take some screenshots to demonstrate the effect, but they gave it no justice! Furthermore, I tried to make a small movie with fraps but with fraps recording my FPS rate fell from 40 to 4! So it's up to you to test it and make your mind up if you like it... Feedback-critique is always wellcome... Tracers.7z The mod is optimised to be enabled via JSGME, so extract to your MODS folder and enable. Otherwise copy the two .dds files to: OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\effects\fxtextures (back up the originals first, in case you want to revert back).
  8. Here is a preview of the 3rd part of "Le Grand Duc"...
  9. A small tracer mod I made

    Oh, I see...well, I knew about the puffs but didn't realise it was so deep... I don't know, I kind of like some of the omitted effects... I'll try studing your effects.xlm compared to the original one to make one of my personal preferance. Thanks!
  10. A small tracer mod I made

    Thanks for the tip, Hellshade...yes I have AAx8 on. BTW, does anyone else using Creaghorn's tracers, is loosing the exaust fumes as I do?
  11. Oh, Romain Hugault, a great artist indeed! I have the two first parts of "Le Grand Duc".
  12. Always a Gentleman with a poetic sense of humor...
  13. Please don't flame me as my intention is to motivate OBD finishing Phase 4 to the best and to protest about the user unfriendly externals of OFF, but I guess this isn't OBD's responsibility! Came on OBD surprise us! I was flying a lot OFF lately...I was sucked into it's great historical Campaign! Yesterday, after taking the last update of RoF, I fired it up for a spin. RoF may be years behind OFF regarding historical backround, planeset and dynamic environment but... Oh man, I had forgotten it's visual awesomness! The complicated flight model and complex engine managment also. Planes in OFF seem so stable comparing to this! I put myself in the cockpit of my beloved Alb. D.Va to continue my Pat Wilson's, long ago interrupted, Jasta 34b Campaign. To my surprise the date was the 2nd of February 1918 and the mission objective to perform a patrol over the Verdun front with Fwbl. Maxim Bauer as a wingman. (I am Oblt. Kurt Jurgens, an ace with 26 victories so far). From my Combat report: "We went on a flight of three Spads today, flying, surprisingly, a bit lower than us . We attacked from above with the sun behind us and caught them completely by surprise. I fired upon the extereme left one, of their vic formation first, as I was diving too fast on them and had to adjust my aim. The poor Frenchie after the first blast on his upper wing and fuselage, probably, in a state of shock tried to break, exposing me his belly. A well placed second burst, lit his engine up. I turned to see where the others were and saw the right wingman flaming from Fwbl. Bauer's spandaus. The FL was trying to flee gaining altitude, but as we both hadn't lost much energy, as we didn't really manoeuvre so much to shoot the others, we caught him easily. Two or three bursts form low behind to his "soft underbelly", and he lost control and crashed, with no trace of fire this time, almost immediately." The Spad Flight Leader is off, (probably dead already)... Downfall... The wreck...fuel is still pouring out. Half burried into snow already... All the inner structure can be seen through the holes... Trying to locate the Spad crash site... Albatros' Glorius Beauty... 28th Victory confirmed... Back to base... Plane skins by Ansirial (modified by me) Pilot skin by me...
  14. Lou,I really don't understand why you have the impression that I was offended earlier... I knew about the controvercial nature of my post...and asked moderators to delete if necessary. No offence taken whatsoever! Let's have some virtual drinks! Cheers!
  15. The other Flight Sim...

    I know, I've already said that... I guess I got pretty much overwhelmed by RoF visuals after the long absence and wanted to offer an extra stimulus to OFF development team... Don't feel dressed down or feel attached to any particular sim whatsoever...I want more out of OFF is that bad? Moderators if necessary remove the whole thread... Slartibartfast, no problem here with Win 7 32bit...
  16. The other Flight Sim...

    Oh, very well put, Slartibartfast
  17. The other Flight Sim...

    If you, by any means find this offensive or insulting, (it was not my intention and apologize if so), I will duly remove it...
  18. new campaign generator

    Absolutely essential for a decent dynamic single player Campaign experience! Cudos to Pat!
  19. This is Great! I've got them all allready...Thanks! PS: Time to go for the two seaters 777 We need more, even if only AI.
  20. Post you best RoF screenshot

    Great shots, Wodin! I was flying a lot OFF lately...I was sucked into it's great historical Campaign! Yesterday, after taking the last update of RoF, I fired it up for a spin. Oh man, I had forgotten it's visual awesomness! The complicated flight model also. Planes in OFF seem so stable comparing to this! I put myself in the cockpit of my beloved Alb. D.Va to continue my Pat Wilson's, long ago interrupted, Jasta 34b Campaign. To my surprise the date was the 2nd of February 1918 and the mission objective to perform a patrol over the Verdun front with Fwbl. Maxim Bauer as a wingman. (I am Oblt. Kurt Jurgens, an ace with 26 victories so far). From my Combat report: We went on a flight of three Spads today, flying, surprisingly, a bit lower than us . We attacked from above with the sun behind us and caught them completely by surprise. I fired upon the extereme left one, of their vic formation first, as I was diving too fast on them and had to adjust my aim. The poor Frenchie after the first blast on his upper wing and fuselage, probably, in a state of shock tried to break, exposing me his belly. A well placed second burst, lit his engine up. I turned to see where the others were and saw the right wingman flaming from Fwbl. Bauer's spandaus. The FL was trying to flee gaining altitude, but as we both hadn't lost much energy, as we didn't really manoeuvre so much to shoot the others, we caught him easily. Two or three bursts form low behind to his "soft underbelly", and he lost control and crashed, with no trace of fire this time, almost immediately. The Spad Flight Leader is off, (probably dead already)... Downfall... The wreck...fuel is still pouring out. Half burried into snow already... All the inner structure can be seen through the holes... Trying to locate the Spad crash site... Albatros' Glorius Beauty... 28th Victory confirmed... Back to base... Plane skins by Ansirial (modified by me) Pilot skin by me...
  21. Your Tomcat stuff is pure awesomness, Massimo! :good: My only objection is the clouds you are using... they don't seem very natural to me...
  22. Hey Lou, before uploading, please, consider giving a second look at the Iron Crosses... It seems to me like the Cross is not "blending" with the backround and ribbon as the other medals do. I hope in final release you'll include both Classes of the Iron Cross...I'm not so much, into the Turkish medal, as there isn't a relevant Front in OFF, although it looks pretty fine. Great addition the velvet backround BTW!
  23. Soundtweak II

    Thank you sir!

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